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I've gotten e-liquid in similar bottles before. I used a normal "voltaren" sized needle on a syringe. Push in, pull up and inject the left-over back through the hole again. Less spillage that way for me. As a side note, they reckon PP (polypropylene) bottles keeps things fresh longer than HDPE. We produce both materials, and most coverters prefer PP for food packaging.
I've gotten e-liquid in similar bottles before. I used a normal "voltaren" sized needle on a syringe. Push in, pull up and inject the left-over back through the hole again. Less spillage that way for me. As a side note, they reckon PP (polypropylene) bottles keeps things fresh longer than HDPE. We produce both materials, and most coverters prefer PP for food packaging.

I'll look into PP sometime. Thanks for the suggestion. How will PP do with tank crackers though.
@Andre Sorry about that. Funny thing is I prefer the PET/HDPE bottles myself for ease of use. That's what I'm used to but since returning to SA all the concentrates I bought was in glass with these internal droppers which I consider a pain. A while ago, before I decided to start this venture, I started a discussion on this - http://www.ecigssa.co.za/concentrates-in-glass-bottles-why.t23464/#post-373063 - and most that replied said they prefer glass bottles so I decided to go with that. The internal droppers are pretty useless IMHO but they are needed to seal the bottle properly else the bottles leak. And if they leak in transport they will breathe in storage.

Either a pippete as in https://e-cig.co.za/product/3ml-pipette/ or a 1ml syringe https://e-cig.co.za/product/1ml-syringe-with-needle/ will work well. The syringe you can get cheaper at any Dischem ( I just have them as a service ) and it fits into the bottle. Best is to just pull the needle out with a pair of pliers, they come out easily.

I'm not too happy with the glass bottles myself for this reason, maybe I will go with HDPE in future. Meanwhile I'll throw in a pipette on each order. They work easier than a syringe.
Yeah, I love the glass, but hate the liquid delivery for use with a scale. Shall make a plan.

Glass is no doubt the best way to store most things, but not always practical (as in this case imo). PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) and HDPE bottles are good from a safety perspective. PET is more rigid, but works well in 30 ml sizes and above. In small bottles PET becomes very difficult to squeeze and might not be the answer for concentrates. I use HDPE for my test samples (10 ml) and PET for 30 ml and above. If you buy directly from FlavourArt in 10 ml volumes you get the concentrate in a PET bottle - very difficult to get drops out and not consistent. Personally, I would go with HDPE for concentrates, which most other flavour vendors use. They are very squeezable and at least the drop count will be consistent across the board. :2c:
Tanks that crack are poly arbonate, sure PP would work fine for them. Almost all margarine, yogurt tubs etc are manufa tred from PP.
@Andre You are right about 10ml PET becoming hard to squeeze. Inawera 10ml is/was the same.

I'm tending towards staying with glass. It is the one material I am surest about re breathing, leaching and chemical reaction. Their weight for shipping is a negative, but at 10ml size they are sturdy, so no real breaking worries. I'll just try to improve on the delivery. Pipettes as a top add to costs but will be much more convenient. I must just make sure the pipette tops seal properly before I go that way.
Thanks @YeOldeOke, just received my 2nd order. All in order. Real pleasure doing business with you. I nkw have all the INW tobaccos you stock, and by the smells of it, I doubt I'll top up any of my FA tobaccos when they run out eventually. Such a vast difference in smell betwee. INW 7 Leaves and FA 7 Leaves.