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Hi there, been vaping for 3 years now, looking to find out some more info on mechanical mods, I have one but struggle to find a decent one.
Hi there, been vaping for 3 years now, looking to find out some more info on mechanical mods, I have one but struggle to find a decent one.

Hi there and welcome :)I think the guys on this forum are better at advice on this aspect but feel free to ask - everyone is willing to help :)
i'm pretty new to all this myself. what would constitute a decent mechanical mod for you?
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Thanks for all the feedback. I have a K100 mechanical mod, dropped it this morning and its playing up. I have just been on the phone with skyblue and probably going to place an order with them.
I should have worded my first statement correctly ... meaning more along the lines of not being ripped off ;)
Hey guys! started vaping yesterday! Im very excited to get off the stinkarettes and becoming a vaper!
Welcome Smoky!
Soon you could change it to Vapey perhaps? :D
Hi @Smokyg. Most welcome to the forum. Please feel free to ask any question you may have. The only dumb questions are the questions not asked. What are you vaping on at the moment?
Welcome SmokeyG - enjoy the forum and wishing you all the best with your vaping future!
Hey no no no no, that would be me ;)

Welcome to SMOKYg :D kick the smokies today, and just vape on from tomorrow! Done. Klaar.
Thanks so much! Had my last smoke @ 2 today, and feeling 100% :) Love vaping, and it tastes so much better! Its a digital world after all! :)
Hi @Smokyg. Most welcome to the forum. Please feel free to ask any question you may have. The only dumb questions are the questions not asked. What are you vaping on at the moment?
Hi Matthee, thanks so much! Very true in deed! My girlfriend and I are vaping on iClrear 16's and with the ego c twist 1100mah batteries. Next month its already battery upgrade time :D Looking at getting the iTaste 134 :)
howsit smokyg and welcome to the forum
Hey peeps!

My name is really Kyle, Mklops is just a nick given from my surname (Klopper), recently tried registering with the name KyleK but can't get a confirmation email on that account

Been vaping for about a month and a half now, been off the analogs completely for roughly a week now and loving it! Started vaping on two lung buddy EVOD type cigs and have since moved to a itaste vv/pt2 mini combo and will be soon moving to bigger and better things

It's great to see such so much support for this alternative lifestyle and im looking forward to joining the clan and growing the fam!

I'm currently situated in centurion, so would like to hear; how is the following on the forum in my surrounding area?

Anyway enough jibber jabber from me! Glad to be here!

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