Well I ain't about to try roasted bug flavour, and will be storing tanks inverted and tracking down one of them obscene looking tip hoodies
Mrs Chuck Norris Lungs tried roasted fruit fly before... and unfortunately me as well because the moment her vape tastes funny she passes it to me and says: "does this taste funny to you?"... since then I have made a habit of checking the PnP pods before I take a hit. If she asks what I am doing, "I am just checking if I can see if it is gunky in there love" is the standard response... never tell your wife that you found an actual bug in her setups, you will be cleaning and rewicking all the other setups post haste!
Luckily never had an issue with one of my own, my "lab" (as my kids labeled it) stays neat and tidy and any bugs entering the designated area gets dealt with swiftly.