What are your 2018 vape resolutions?

1. Never ever smoke a stinkie again.
2. Buy another mod.
3. Stop buying crap ejuice (nogal 100ml)
4. Did I say buy another mod?
Last year I had a plan (well, sort of :) ) to stop vaping by summer of this year. I remember when I bought my first bottle of e-liquid - it was 36mg! Holy crap. As my collection of equipment changed and I moved to sub-ohm vaping, that went down quickly. First 9mg, then 6, then 3. Now I've been on 1mg for quite some time. So the thought was I would drop to 0.5mg then zero nic. Well that didn't happen. Not because I couldn't or didn't want it to. But because I got 2 new shots of life. The first was to rediscover RDAs. The second...squonking. I think squonking is what vaping should have been all along. It's really got me loving vaping again - actually more than ever. So, since I'm obviously not going to stop vaping and I do feel like there should be some resolution, then I resolve to buy more squonk stuff!