What did you Mix today?

Here's a funny sad story...

I found a recipe that didn't taste too bad so I decided I'm going to make 3 50ml bottles of it.

Me not checking the labels of the concentrates properly I added 5% super sweet in each bottle instead on 5% sugar cookie...I just saw the letter "S" and started pouring ..And that's after I added all the other needed concentrates .

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I'm pretty sure that's what goes into most commercial juices behind the scenes :p
Here's a funny sad story...

I found a recipe that didn't taste too bad so I decided I'm going to make 3 50ml bottles of it.

Me not checking the labels of the concentrates properly I added 5% super sweet in each bottle instead on 5% sugar cookie...I just saw the letter "S" and started pouring
..And that's after I added all the other needed concentrates

Add Koolada, bottle it and label it! Now! Then sell it as 'Sweet Ice' and make a killing! :D :D :D
After watching the Noted podcast on Sodas, I realised I hadn't used my FA Cola in a while. So I mixed Kopel's Soda Base, adding some FA Whipped Cream to (hopefully) get a float as he suggested on the show. I also mixed up Shaner's Irish Thunder, a juice which @Andre likens to the "brown cow" Coke and milk drink.

Seeing as I was browsing Kopel's ELR page and have a bunch of FA nuts that don't see much action, I gave his Nutter's Custard a whirl. Now into the nutty vibe, I also mixed up DodgerFog33's PB Cheesecake Drizzle. That in turn led me to one of the simplest DIY recipes ever, Atmose Chifles.

Finally, I was feeling adventurous so I took a flier and mixed up a horrendous concoction of FA and Inw Pear, Vanilla Bean Gelato, FA Caramel, FA Whipped Cream and Irish Cream. It tastes like despair and Communism in juicy stockings off the rip but I'm not cared, it's only concentrates.

And three more, just for luck:
Goldfish's Dunkaroos
Tootall's Easy As Pie Key Lime Pie
and Dazcole's Lenola Cream Remix.
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I just subbed with Shisha Vanilla. It won't be same but I don't think it will kill it either. In the reviews, Burritoclock and Rudi did the same sub and both still rated it highly.
Where you getting your hands on Holy Vanilla from? That and Holy Holy Grail Ry4 are on my list of concentrates I desperately want but can't get my hands on. Tell me your secrets Rich!

As per @RichJB , I also sub with Sisha Vanilla and it works wonderfully well. I have made this a number of times and cannot tell you how good this is. The FLV Rich Cinnamon is also important here - it takes it from great to amazing!!!
Not mixed today but I did tweak a bit today.
I have a few concentrates that I have way too much of and I will not get through them if I don't play with them.
So I mixed up three recipes to play with..

InXs - Stole some ideas from my R&M recipe and used INW Maxx Blend and Flue Cured
InXs2 - Again INW Maxx Blend and Flue cured with some FA Irish Cream
Fruit XS - INW Mango and Peach with some FA Torrone and Irish Cream

So far they are not too bad but they can sit a while longer before I make a decision.
Everybody seems to have unused FA Irish Cream. :lol: I feel you on the Inw Maxx Blend as well. Closing down sales... ;)
I just subbed with Shisha Vanilla. It won't be same but I don't think it will kill it either. In the reviews, Burritoclock and Rudi did the same sub and both still rated it highly.

As per @RichJB , I also sub with Sisha Vanilla and it works wonderfully well. I have made this a number of times and cannot tell you how good this is. The FLV Rich Cinnamon is also important here - it takes it from great to amazing!!!

Ah damn, was hoping you had some seedy hookup involving a secret knock on a backdoor in an alleyway or a fight with a small white rabbit in the case of the RY4.

Will add it to the list for the next mix session!

FLV Rich Cinnamon is some tasty stuff Rudi, it smells exactly like visiting my Grandma's house in Atlanta over Christmas when I was a kid. Thought it was just a weird association on my side but I was at dinner with the family recently and my sister said the exact same thing when she smelt it. Tasty cinnamon and hits hard on the nostalgia centers of my brain, made 10ml bottle of a 10% dilution to make it a bit easier to use in testers cuz its some strong stuff!
I am so torn on Flv Rich Cinnamon. One part of me says to buy it and never have to worry about cinnamon again. But then the other part looks at that 9.8ml of FA Cinnamon Ceylon (bought nearly a year ago) still in my stash and knows that if I get Flv, I will never use it again. I will try and battle my way through it before ordering Flv. The other thing is that the Flv is sure to go off before I can use it up. I don't use much cinnamon. It's good to have a super-potent flavour that needs only 0.1%. But if you can't possibly use it up...
Here's a funny sad story...

I found a recipe that didn't taste too bad so I decided I'm going to make 3 50ml bottles of it.

Me not checking the labels of the concentrates properly I added 5% super sweet in each bottle instead on 5% sugar cookie...I just saw the letter "S" and started pouring ..And that's after I added all the other needed concentrates .

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Been there, done that - fig fresh next to fresh cream :eek: Chuck!
So I took a brief hiatus from mixing to exhaust the stock of juices in my steeping cupboard. Having got them down to just a couple of bottles left, I resumed mixing and, a week or so later, am now back up to 38 juices in my steeping cupboard. Today was strawberry day so I mixed up:
Boogenshizzle's One Milk To Rule Them All (shout out @Rude Rudi) and DrStore's The Juice (shout out @DanielSLP)
I'm also on a bit of an ice cream binge of late and will mix up trandism's Bourbon Fried Ice Cream once I have a bottle available. It's derived from Tootall's Bourbon Burnt Sugar Ice Cream but we don't have HS available yet (shout out, mmm, vendors?)
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It was mixing weekend again...

Jungle Cookies - I figured I'd give this one a try too...

Please let me know how this comes out, im very keen to try it but have to buy alot of concentrates. If its anything close or similar to Zoob then i will buy the ingredients and make a like 200ml.
Please let me know how this comes out, im very keen to try it but have to buy alot of concentrates. If its anything close or similar to Zoob then i will buy the ingredients and make a like 200ml.
I have not tasted zoob so i won't be able to compare... but i will definitely give feedback as soon as i try it out...

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I have not tasted zoob so i won't be able to compare... but i will definitely give feedback as soon as i try it out...

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Well, if it tastes anything like a real zoo biscuit then great! Cause ZOOB prettymuch tastes exactly like a zoo biscuit lol
Well, if it tastes anything like a real zoo biscuit then great! Cause ZOOB prettymuch tastes exactly like a zoo biscuit lol
Hahaha... Perfect... will let you know

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Please let me know how this comes out, im very keen to try it but have to buy alot of concentrates. If its anything close or similar to Zoob then i will buy the ingredients and make a like 200ml.

Very different to Zoob, actually bought a bottle purely out of interest. Jungle cookies has a stronger biscuit note with the lemony fruit loops as an upper note.

I have amended the recipe slighly(before buying Zoob) to smooth off the biscuit note by adding some lucky leprechaun to add a malty note while adding to the fruitloop note.

The recipe will be amended again in pursuit of the actual biscuit, which does not have a strong Lemon note. First thing will be reducing the Lucky Leprechaun to 0.5% as it is a step in the right direction but at 1% it is a little to prominent.

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Very different to Zoob, actually bought a bottle purely out of interest. Jungle cookies has a stronger biscuit note with the lemony fruit loops as an upper note.

I have amended the recipe slighly(before buying Zoob) to smooth off the biscuit note by adding some lucky leprechaun to add a malty note while adding to the fruitloop note.

The recipe will be amended again in pursuit of the actual biscuit, which does not have a strong Lemon note. First thing will be reducing the Lucky Leprechaun to 0.5% as it is a step in the right direction but at 1% it is a little to prominent.

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Very interesting... please share your findings...

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I mixed the original Cuprian for the first time today. I can't link the recipe as Wayne has replaced Inw Milk Choc and only the new recipe is up now. It looks like dank death and doubtless will be for my coils. But I have an almost full bottle of Inw Milk Chocolate wasting away and nothing to mix with it. This will probably be the last dark chocolate mix I make before consigning my Inw Milk Choc, FA Choc and Cocoa, Cap CGD and CFB to use in milk.

Then I mixed this very simple Melon Milk I came across. FA Melon Cantaloupe and Cap Honeydew Melon aren't very popular flavours, I've always wanted to try a Honeydewwey style juice but don't want to get the original no-fly TFA Honeydew and figured this might be close.

Finally, I did a mix I've been wanting to do for some time but never got around to: JustinVaping's Nutty Nana. I really enjoyed the Soho/Banana Cream round of the Beginner Blending contest and have mixed up RIP Harambe and Dirty Foster from the recipes submitted. This and SixStrings952's White Chocolate Banana Cream Pie were the other two that appealed to me.
I popped by Westpack after the VK grand opening today and, praise be, they had amber bottles in stock. So...

@method1's Fried Nana Base. It has bananas. It has VBIC. It is by @method1. Those are three very good things.
Wayne's Funfetti. Because my bottle is nearly finished and this is always in my rotation.
ID10-T's Mother of Dragons' Milk. I had some Dragonfruit I wanted to finish off. It was either this or Sucker Punch Clone. This is by ID10-T. Easy decision.
trandism's Bourbon Fried Ice Cream. It has VBIC. It has Bourbon. What could possibly go wrong?
SlashaLO's ABGD - Another Blueberry Glazed Doughnut. I chatted with him about another doughnut recipe of his I'd mixed and he suggested I do this one as it's his favourite doughnut.
I popped by Westpack after the VK grand opening today and, praise be, they had amber bottles in stock. So...

@method1's Fried Nana Base. It has bananas. It has VBIC. It is by @method1. Those are three very good things.
Wayne's Funfetti. Because my bottle is nearly finished and this is always in my rotation.
ID10-T's Mother of Dragons' Milk. I had some Dragonfruit I wanted to finish off. It was either this or Sucker Punch Clone. This is by ID10-T. Easy decision.
trandism's Bourbon Fried Ice Cream. It has VBIC. It has Bourbon. What could possibly go wrong?
SlashaLO's ABGD - Another Blueberry Glazed Doughnut. I chatted with him about another doughnut recipe of his I'd mixed and he suggested I do this one as it's his favourite doughnut.
Ok, cannot bear the peer pressure no more. Funfetti goes onto my mixing list.

The Mother of Dragons' Milk had me confused for a while as the recipe looks different from the one I mixed. Then I realized I had mixed Mother of God's Milk, which is good, but not rotation material for me. Now I shall have to mix the former too.
Mixed Frozen Strawberry Dragon in a larger quantity after I vaped a 10 ml tester. Not "frozen" at all for me - the Koolada just brightens the mix. INW Dragonfruit (Pitaya) is exceptional - soft, fruity, exotic. Pairs well with CAP Sweet Strawberry. A simple 2 flavour recipe (with Koolada as an additive), which gives great reward for fruit juice lovers.

I love yogurt and have tried so many yogurt mixes. They all sucked. FLV Greek Yogurt (now available at Blck) to the rescue. Finished my 10 ml tester of Skiddlzninja's Serially Easy Lime Yogurt in one go and have now mixed up some more. A whole new, and awesome, flavour profile for me. A few more testers with FLV Greek Yogurt in the cupboard to try.

Then mixed my own concoction - a Pistachio Sweet Lassi.

Good news for those of you that mix Andre's Mate (a remix of 5 Pawns Bowdens Mate). This recipe uses the original INW Milk Chocolate, which as you know has been reformulated to something not nearly as good as the original. @rogue zombie suggested I try JF Milk Chocolate in stead, at the same percentage. I have, and am happy to report that it works perfectly.
Funfetti might not be in your zone as it's a typically sweet iced birthday cake. It is spot-on for my tastes, even if I usually leave the sweetener out of Wayne's other recipes. Apparently it took him six months to develop it, and it shows.

Yogurts are so tricky. I tried Wayne's yogurt base and didn't like it much. I am tempted to put them in the same category as coffees and chocolates, i.e. something I love irl but won't vape. skiddlz has been shilling Flv Greek Yogurt for a while, I may give that a go. I don't want a sour yogurt, more a supermarket type like those little Nutriday tubs. Cap Creamy is favoured for that application but I don't really like it. On the other hand, someone was saying that yogurts need to be sour. If you want a sweet type, you might as well go with a cream. I think that's my problem. So Vienna and Cream Fresh will probably end up being my 'yogurt'. :p