What did you Mix today?

@Intuthu Kagesi I miss the good old days where everyone was vaping a Fruit Loops of sorts.

I wanted to ask, I have TFA Fruit circles without the milk, think I can sub the TFA with milk at the same ratio?
Sowwie ... Only saw this now

Give it a go and let us know @Slamphibian

For me TFA Fruit Circles have way too much lemon / tartness / chemical nose / kakness for anything other than the bin.
TFA Fruit Circles with Milk on the other hand replaces most of that horrid tartness with some sweet creaminess, making a 4:1 combination of it with CAPs Fruit Circles work well in my opinion.
I also ended up adding 1 drop of AP per 100ml after steeping along with 0.5% of BV's Pop-It Concentrate
I mixed up another 10 bottles of my Doctor pepper today.
also mixed up 2 100ml bottles and a 60ml bottle of Red Pill
and 3 100ml bottle of Blue pill.

all bottles are shaken up nicely and chilling in the cupboard.

hopefully I will find some people who want to taste it at vape con this weekend