What Did You Vape Today?

Did my whirling dervish tank today....wow! Great vape. Cannot pinpoint the spicy note, but its an awesome complex juice!
Craftvapour RY4
Skybleu Apple Pi
And now Boba's .....
Suicide Bunny - The O.B
Seattle Vapor Co. - Sedation
Alien Visions - Havana Gold
You people aren't drinking the stuff are you?

I can't understand how much juice some of you's have.


Sent via a NASA satellite which gathers my thoughts and relays them to the world
You people aren't drinking the stuff are you?

I can't understand how much juice some of you's have.


Sent via a NASA satellite which gathers my thoughts and relays them to the world
Choice is key. One also needs steady supply of the better juices. Imho.
Gorilla Juice - Alien Vision
Melinda's Custard - SkyBlue
Choc Mint - VapeKing
Melon on the Rocks - CraftVapour
today ive got my reo mini set up with single coil build. twisted 28g kanthal 8 wraps. not quite sure the resistance. voltmeter batteries are flat..

juice loaded is:
VM - banana cream
VM - Lee
vapecraving - daydream
Vape Craving Delight in the 26650 TOBH with Rayon and .3 Ohm dual macro coils. Still making my mind up.....
Vaping birdy- emperor penguin and Tjuice - colonel custard. Awesome stuff. Love the condense milk and melon combo of the penguin

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My own brew. Doesn't have a name, but it was good :)
Boba's - Mmmm will try that again... not too sure about it yet.
Elvis Breakfast - Nope.
Dulce de Leche - Nope.
Seattle Vapour - Kryptonite - Will try that again and maybe add some Menthol Ice.
Thenancara - Antarctica - Awesome.
Tropical Ice - Awesome.

Now to clean all the atties!


OK now to dry them and reassemble them... Whoops part missing... where the hell can that disappear from the sink to my desk which is a matter of 5'! :eek:

Boba's - Mmmm will try that again... not too sure about it yet.
Elvis Breakfast - Nope.
Dulce de Leche - Nope.
Seattle Vapour - Kryptonite - Will try that again and maybe add some Menthol Ice.
Thenancara - Antarctica - Awesome.
Tropical Ice - Awesome.

Now to clean all the atties!

View attachment 10967

OK now to dry them and reassemble them... Whoops part missing... where the hell can that disappear from the sink to my desk which is a matter of 5'! :eek:

View attachment 10968
Don't forget our bobas discussion ;)
Been mixing and matching today, but new 2mm ID coil, 7 wraps with 28 kanthal in the magma (1.3 ohm) and some Fairy Tears I am settling in for the evening. Thanks @RevnLucky7 for the kanthal and SVC Fairy TearsIMG_7250.JPG
Popped in at Vapemob today. I bought some Ectoplasma a while back and really enjoyed it so I got some more. Also got some Double Apple and Gummy Berry. Both taste awesome. Fresh fruity taste without the bite to the tongue of some fruity flavours. Great for the beautiful summer days we have lately.
Condensed Milk :) its actually quite nice, hits the nail on the head.
Need to make a plan with whirling dervish.... got till Tuesday
Enjoyed 3 juices today

AV Bobas Bounty - am enjoying this. The taste is good. So much so, I nearly "Silvered" this morning though. I felt nauseous. I think I overdid it on a 0.65 ohmer paracoil in the Reo. At 18mg it does take its toll. Its the first time I could see myself on 12mg ;-)

5P Bowdens Mate - what a beauty - crisp and refreshing...

VapeKing Pina Colada - am giving the 18mg a go for the first time. Same great taste but with LOTS more kick. Nice...