What is Afikaans for "Vaping"?

Why don't we don't just invent a new Afrikaans word for vaping? Someone invented the other words used in vaping, so why can't we?
We should throw some ideas in here. I don't have anything right now, but it'll come to me while I'm driving somewhere. Ideas always come to me while I'm driving.
That's exactly why I like it, so many words in Afrikaans has a dual meaning, this one will fit right in. :)
ek het dit... Afrikaans vir "vape" = Vyp:D
Afrikaans vir "MOD" = Pyp:D

so met ander woorde... Vaporizer = Vyp Pyp:rofl:
Ek hou van die "teug"
Ek's 'n teuger en jy?
Die ou mense het altyd gesê "Hy teug aan sy pyp", nou ja, ons teug aan ons elektroniese sigarette.........mmmm....(dit klink dof)