Flavour Hunt 2020
7. Unicorn Frappe – R360 (Sir Vape)
BTW, I bought a bottle of Unicorn Frappe at the beginning of December from Vape Cartel for R240 (It's R320 now). I've tried it once, and it's not my cup of tea. I'll give it another try again this week with new coils and cotton, but my taste buds did not like it that much. I think I saw Frappe and thought of a light coffee taste, but I didn't get much coffee from my vape. I'll try again, but from what I recall, it was quite a strange taste that I couldn't quite figure out.
Also got Vapour Mountain ONE that I'm not keen on and has not hit the right notes with me.
So I am thinking of selling both bottles on the forums soon. Unicorn Frappe is a 100ml bottle, which I have probably used around 5ml of. Vapour Mountain ONE is a 60ml bottle which I might have used under 10ml of. Not sure if you might be interested in either?