What To Do?.....which Dripper Is A Safe Bet

Hahaha what a champ!! Also, what gauge is that wire?
@Rob Fisher how does it vape on there? Tried it around 10W?

I think to give it a fair shake I need to do a micro coil with cotton because I'm still convinced that is my happy place!

But just fired it up at 10W and it's pretty grand!

The Magma Clone seems to be pretty well built for a clone because I hate clones and only bought this one because I wanted to see how it worked... and I'm very happy with my purchase... I will experiment with it some more and very quickly made the dirty coil with Ekowool and I know full well I made the wick too short... I guess I'm used to the Cyclone and RM2 on the REO's that like a short (less is more) wick!

I think the iGo-L (IF you can buy a decent one because the last three I have had the quality has been really crap) takes a lot of beating and for a newbie I think is ideal!

The nice thing about the Magma is the dual coil capability, the deep well and the air flow control...
@Rob Fisher I am drooling, just did a lap of the office showing off that beauty! I wan i want i want! Hope you love it and enjoy every moment of it! @Limbo at this point I have 2 spinner 1, 2 spinner v2, 1 kanger x6, 1 itaste knock off and a couple of other cheapies. I met one person running 2 ohm coils made with 32g kanthal on a spinner 2 at about 4 volts and it definitely beat my protank, revtank and Maxi in both vapour and flavour.
Just to be clear... I only use it for testing juices because I don't think anything beats my Cyclone!
Erica the REO with a Cyclone bottom feed... but it started it's life as a dripper! The bottom fed (for REO's) version is hard to get but a normal Cyclone is pretty easy to find! Ignore the kak Drip tip...

@Rob Fisher the cyclone looks real nifty, isnt it tight to build on though. Looks like I may need to go visit @Chop007 and have him show me every dripper they have if I want a quick fix. Maybe get a cheaper option so long and force myself to save. One surely cant ever have enough vape gear;-)
Now thats subjectivity for you, I kinda like that tip.
@Rob Fisher the cyclone looks real nifty, isnt it tight to build on though. Looks like I may need to go visit @Chop007 and have him show me every dripper they have if I want a quick fix. Maybe get a cheaper option so long and force myself to save. One surely cant ever have enough vape gear;-)

It's actually not too difficult to build one... if I can do it it then anyone can because I have 14 thumbs! The only issue is they are not cheap and no one in SA stocks them!

Get the Magma!
Personally I would go for the following:

Trident V2
Plume Veil

I have personally tried and own only the trident, 3d and igo-l.

My favourite out of all three is the trident. Variable airflow, post holes so easy to build on, can do single and dual coil. Gives great flavour and if you are so inclined gives great clouds as well.

Second I would go with the igo-l. The airhole can be a bit on the small side and depending on how you like your vape it may need to be drilled out as it has a very very tight draw.

3D is my third favourite, although it has adjustable airflow the draw is still a bit tight however it does have the convenience of carrying more juice than the other drippers do to its juice reservoir.

I am yet to try the plume veil and magma but have heard great things about it. Please note that all the drippers I own are clones.

If you are in the JHB or CPT areas I would suggest going to the vape shops who stock the trident and give it a go. They range between R300 and R500.
I love the Igo-L for flavour, and the Magma is a sure winner. But @Rob Fisher that Cyclone BF looks like a must have for the Reo. If you ever have a spare one going, please put me in line and I would buy it for sure.
I love the Igo-L for flavour, and the Magma is a sure winner. But @Rob Fisher that Cyclone BF looks like a must have for the Reo. If you ever have a spare one going, please put me in line and I would buy it for sure.

Roger that @Alex! It's pricey but I am pretty attached to mine and I can't wait till the AFC version arrives because @Andre says it's even better! :rock:
I'm in love with my Tobh RDA :h: - I would highly recommend it on a mech mod

I own a Magma, and it too is fantastic. However, it's over powering in my opinion on a mech; and well; I guess I've just been to lazy to fiddle enough with it yet to get to that sweet spot resistance for a mech mod

Looks like that old Sigelei 20W of mine is going to be of use again soon
ADJUSTABLE AIR FLOW and will it spill easily, only 2 things that matter for drippers.

top caps that are actually 2 pieces allowing you easier dripping is a plus (like the tobh)
And deep drip well again so I don't spill and don't have to re drip ...

:) At the end of the day buy anything, you are going to buy some thing better next month :)
@Rob Fisher the cyclone looks real nifty, isnt it tight to build on though. Looks like I may need to go visit @Chop007 and have him show me every dripper they have if I want a quick fix. Maybe get a cheaper option so long and force myself to save. One surely cant ever have enough vape gear;-)
For sure @Danny we got loads of drippers. Pull in, I would be amped to demo our entire range. Some nifty little tigers. We would surely have a dripper that is up your alley.