i have not made coils yet. i use EVOD BCC. i like them. i like them more each day. They're easy to refill and they don't give me any hassles. (Compared to iclear16s, Aerotank Mega, iclear X.I)
i got an innokin MVP, after the HANA because it took 7 weeks to get to's ok, it's good, the battery lasts more than a day, but not as long as the 18650 battery in the HANA...but i can set both of them to 9W, same EVOD BCC, same juice, straight swop, and it just works better on the HANA - better vapour. So now i only use the MVP when the HANA battery needs to be charged - and when my 2 VTC5 batteries arrive,...i dunno, then i won't need to use the MVP. unless the HANA MODZ conks.
Never mind the Volt story with the HANA (iow, the DNA 30 clone). It doesn't affect me and there're thousands of people happily using them. Best bang for the buck. Covers that are machined to fit properly, good switches.................the Cloupor HANA clone. although now i'd get a fasttech mini clone as a backup.
Hey Cat, thanks for the advise. It is such a minefield especially at the prices we are talking about.
I must admit that I am leaning towards the Segelei but the Hana looks really good (I think my wife may like this one).
For now I am just trying to absorb everyone awesome advise and then try make the best decision I can.