What's in your hand right now?

Currently in the hand is the Billet Box but shortly will be a cake or two! Damn bloody delicious! From Dough Girl!
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Finally got to build the Ether. Didn't like the driptips that came with it so I put a custom one. I threw an MTL Clapton 2.5mm ID coil in it and some Tobacco Bastards N29. It's wicking like a charm. Been vaping on it for the last 15min and watching reviews at the same time. Like Mark said "it's not sh@t". Guess I need to change something.
Picked up this bezerker v1.5, totally in love. It's all thanks to @KZOR . He made me fell in love with mtl tight draw. The flavor from this mtl is insane.16165303751101876359134589163971.jpg