What's in your hand right now?

...but once it reaches 50C it can go into thermal runaway - i.e. the temperature starts feeding a chemical reaction, which causes higher temp - which feeds the chemical reaction etc etc and boom!

Hmmm, My flashlight can easily reach this. it's a 800 lumens Cree LED flashlight, but gets serious hot with extended use. It does cut out at some point, but by then it is uncomfortable to handle it due to heat.
Here is the interesting bit. It does not have vent holes. at all. Nadda. Just a solid machined tube of alu, with heatsink built into the sides by the LED.
Doh, sorry - meant 150C

" The thermal runaway moves lower when the battery is fully charged; for Li-cobalt this threshold is between 130–150C°C (266–302°F), nickel-manganese-cobalt (NMC) is 170–180°C (338–356°F), and manganese is 250°C (482°F). Li-phosphate enjoys similar and better temperature stabilities than manganese."

from http://batteryuniversity.com
Ah, so in other words you will burn blisters before the mod explodes by heat?
Pretty much :) But some of these mods can insulate you petty well - so it might reach that stage before burning you - and it doesn't really 'explode' as such - I've never seen a Li-Ion do it, but with our RC heli's I've seen Li-Po batteries go up in flames - scary thing is, you damage the battery now and only 3 hours later does it vent - the thermal runaway can take hours to build up

But yeah, kinda looks like when you light a whole box of matches - but over a longer period of time and a bit more violent - like 10 boxes of matches at once.

here's a Lipo battery being forced to vent as a demonstration

I Imagine a Li-ion battery will do pretty much the same
Wow, did you notice how it still delivered plenty energy even well after it started to vent.
That is a handy thing to know. Thus you can still have one last vape to recover from the shock while your mod slowly fades away into ashes.... okay maybe not that slowly ;)
hehe - I would say get one of those fireproof suits then vape away while it is venting :)

But yeah, you can see why they say that if you think it might vent, it is best to put it outside and wait...

The scary thing for me is that it can happen during charging - when you have left your batt to charge overnight and everyone is sleeping...

Some of the better chargers cut out when battery temp gets too high though, so there you are covered at least - but I doubt the cheapie ones that come with some of the kits are that advanced
Thanks for the Welcome guys.

I like the Zmax. Works well. Battery lasts for a nice time... Currently I'm 265 puffs in and Bat Vol is at 3.9 . I like the fact that you can check every aspect of how everything is running. So hopefully wont get caught running out of bat life or any other problems, if I do I could have prevented it by just checking the system...
Welcome JacV. Glad you are enjoying your ecig stuff. Nice hobby, difficult to keep up nowadays!
So @Derick and @Melinda with all those goodies you have what's your current setup. Very curious
I'm using exactly what we sent you :) - Zmax V5 with and RSST and sometimes that protank - but I put in a Kanger coil and that improved things for me.

Melinda is on a KTS using that carto tank that came with it, but also sometimes the RSST - one with a pretty high ohm rating (3.5 I think) as she likes less vapour
She is also playing a bit with a zmax mini - pretty much exactly the same as the V5 but is not telescoping and the LCD display is a bit smaller and displays less.
Haha that's awesome! Surprising tho. I thought you would be all out mechanical mod kinda guy. Why the preference?
I like Gadgets :) - buttons and LCD displays and options. But yeah, not the only reason, I like that I can control the vaping experience right then and there with a few clicks - some juices taste great at one voltage and other's require a different voltage and I can adjust as I wish without having to go build a new coil :)

I have not tried dripping yet - but we are looking at some IGO-L's & W's, so I would probably try it then - but I can't see myself switching to that permanently - I like to chain vape in the traffic and dripping doesn't really make that possible - unless I get myself a Reo like Andre :)

After too many years of smoking I think my taste buds are fried, so I don't really taste the difference between carto vs clearo etc., So I doubt dripping would make that big of a difference for me - may favourite juice is still Dekang Vanilla hehe.
A cool thing about the Zmax V5 is that it has a chip in to regulate the output voltage when you have it set to a specific Wattage. In the beginning I was finding it hard to hit the right Voltage for whatever juice it is that I have in. So now I run it on Wattage. Usually about 5.5 -7 W. Some people prefer the 'warmer' vape at 8W but I like the taste at the lower range.

So instead of doing all the math with Resistance and Voltage and Blah Blah... Just let the Zmax sort it out... :)
In my hand right now I've got an ithaka on my kts with with fully charged battery, and no kick. Coil is 1.7 ohms. Holy crap this is good!! Totally wicked's sex on the beach.
Cant wait for my extra ithaka wires. Wanna try this at 1 ohm. Draw is hot (hotter than real cig), and heavenly tasteful!! Full of peach schnapps goodness.

Ok placed the ithaka on svd wit 350 battery. Cranked the voltage to 4.5
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Evod batteries are actually quite impressive - the only one(that I know about) of the smaller form factor batteries that have their voltage regulated to 3.7V - meaning even when the battery starts losing charge it will still pump out a constant 3.7V right to the end

The downside to this is that you get no warning that your battery is about to die :)
Evod batteries are actually quite impressive - the only one(that I know about) of the smaller form factor batteries that have their voltage regulated to 3.7V - meaning even when the battery starts losing charge it will still pump out a constant 3.7V right to the end

The downside to this is that you get no warning that your battery is about to die :)
Yes, I'm quite impressed. The no warning quite unexpected. Hehehe.
Must say, I had leakage problems with the pt2 with the coils I got with it, but after fitting the coils I bought from you, I haven't had any leakage. Starting to wonder about the quality and authenticity this other company is selling...
When Melinda and I started we also bought some fakes from a well known vendor - prompted us to start Skyblue - so I guess I am grateful to them for selling me those fakes :)
Eciggies as always been greedy in my opinion