stevie g Vaping Addict LV 45 Joined 27/10/14 Posts 2,430 Awards 27 Location JHB 5/4/16 #1 I want to commission a locally made Squonk box can anybody point me in the right direction?.
Rob Fisher ECIGSSA Admin Staff member Administrator VIP FINES MASTER LV 64 Joined 3/2/14 Posts 39,802 Awards 51 Age 69 Location Winston Park, Durbs 5/4/16 #2 None of the current supporting vendors make squonk box's. But there is at least two vendors working on their prototypes and as soon as they are ready they will sign up and market their wares.
None of the current supporting vendors make squonk box's. But there is at least two vendors working on their prototypes and as soon as they are ready they will sign up and market their wares.
skola Flavour Chaser LV 39 Joined 10/3/15 Posts 1,463 Awards 28 Age 36 Location Johannesburg 5/4/16 #3 @Justin Pattrick makes the Leprechaun mod.. Could be one of the two Rob mentioned.
stevie g Vaping Addict LV 45 Joined 27/10/14 Posts 2,430 Awards 27 Location JHB 5/4/16 #4 Yeah I knew about Justin, he is bottom feeding one of my atomizers. I just wanted to see what else was out there. I am going to be getting a Leprechaun from him though .
Yeah I knew about Justin, he is bottom feeding one of my atomizers. I just wanted to see what else was out there. I am going to be getting a Leprechaun from him though .
Silver Flavour and throat hit seeker Staff member Administrator ECIGSSA Donor VIP LV 68 Joined 16/11/13 Posts 43,442 Awards 51 Location Joburg 5/4/16 #5 Have just moved this to "Who has stock" @Sprint - in case vendors want to reply directly as well