With Nicotine or not

Much appreciated, valuable info there, think I should keep the nic in the recipe, just at a very low %, and try a bit without, at least it's close if I feel an urge
Always have a backup plan for nicotine like you should always have a backup mod ready to go.

@Spydro likes spice as I have picked up from his posts. Are there any you can recommend for throat hit?.

Also look hard at the INW Shisha range on valley vapour they are good strong concentrates.

FA is good as well because you only need ballpark 5% TPA/TFA are much less concentrated, like 15-30%.
get qui
Always have a backup plan for nicotine like you should always have a backup mod ready to go.

@Spydro likes spice as I have picked up from his posts. Are there any you can recommend for throat hit?.

Also look hard at the INW Shisha range on valley vapour they are good strong concentrates.

FA is good as well because you only need ballpark 5% TPA/TFA are much less concentrated, like 15-30%.
Get it quality is essential, thanx Sprint, will def checkout the Shisha range at Valley..
Cuboid 150w and uwell crown, second devise is kangertech nono, going to support a forum member on Saterday for a RDTA limetless, I vape alot and need to rethink my strategy financially
People have all been asking me if I make my own juice yet,

lol -

that's the next big step to save your bucks,
I have dropped down to 1.5mg nicotine from starting with 18mg on an evod. I diy and drip mostly now. At least 3mg in the subtank though. Not sure if it's necessary to quit nic altogether. Have tried zero but it just feels weird and i vape litres of the stuff.

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