Worst Gear of 2015

Can I ask why you don't like the Bellus and I Stick 100W?

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Bellus, because it's a pain to wick right, and even when it is wicked right, theres that little burp of juice when you open the air back up after filling it.

iStick 100W, because of the slightly dodgy battery contacts, and the fact that despite being a parallel mod it doesn't drain the batteries equally.
Bellus, because it's a pain to wick right, and even when it is wicked right, theres that little burp of juice when you open the air back up after filling it.

I'll agree with you there, I just accepted it as an idiosyncrasy and have learnt to live with it.
Bellus, because it's a pain to wick right, and even when it is wicked right, theres that little burp of juice when you open the air back up after filling it.

Been using my bellus for around a month now. And i had that problem in the beginning but doesn't seem to happen anymore
Bellus, because it's a pain to wick right, and even when it is wicked right, theres that little burp of juice when you open the air back up after filling it.

iStick 100W, because of the slightly dodgy battery contacts, and the fact that despite being a parallel mod it doesn't drain the batteries equally.

Oh wow, I didn't know that the iStick 100W was a parallel mod. Thanks for enlightening me.
Nothing has been terrible because I'm a nerd and obsessively over-research before purchases because I have the same disease as you. So these have been disappointing but not necessarily terrible.

Mod - ipv d2. Not awful, but lack of step-down is inexcusable and I found the internals to be a bit rough, exposed glue, not clean
RDA - CLT V2+ - you know how "bubbly" really means "not a looker", well, "allrounder" generally means "not good at anything"
RDA - BF Cyclone 2013 - I love the Cyclone. But the one I bought could only have been a dud (or knock-off) - the negative post was abnormally long, the holes in the posts were not in line (not even close), the concave deck didn't have the flat portion around the posts like the others I'd seen (not a problem this, but just made me doubt it more), and I stripped both grub screws on build number 1. I now use the cap on an extra 2014 deck, and the deck is in a box - turned out an extremely expensive Cyclone top cap. It's very pretty though - nicer than the 2014 version in that regard. And who knows, maybe it's better in all areas - but my unit, was very iffy.
RTA - None come to mind. A good year for RTA's on the whole. Monster V2 slightly disappointing, but I still like and use it
Subohm Tank - Subtank Mini V1, and Atlantis V1 - disappointed with both for many (most) reasons. Subtank V2 far better tho
Accessories - Native Wicks - Hated these, gave me a weird and hideous taste after a couple of tanks
Accessories - Kanger OCC TC (nickel) coils, and OCC 1.2ohm coils (the 0.5 is great, the 1.5 is decent... but the 1.2 not for me)

Juice is just so subjective so take with a pinch of salt:
Juice - 5P Symmetry Six, meh. So I can taste Rhubarb... and now?
Juice - Eliquid Project, Cowboys Apple Pie - had high hopes. Just another avg artificial RY4 imo.
Juice - Both VM & Skyblue juices have been disappointing all round imo. Bring on the bashing. Enjoyed VM Peach Rooibos (a lot) for a while, but not a fan of the other flavours I tried. Had high hopes for Melinda's Nilla Custard too. I did finish my bottle, very vapeable, but was hoping for more.
Juice - Beard Vape Sugared Peach, NY Cheesecake & Hibiscus - Too sweet. Something I disliked in each, won't go near this line
Juice - Snap - Was excited about these. Sold them both within a couple of days. Nice flavours but bland and muted
Juice - Lemon Bar - very unique and I can see why some love it. But I find even the thought of this juice nauseating
Juice - Fogg's Milky Way - I really like it. Been through 40ml so far. But, if I said it didn't remind me of the happy love-child between Looper and a cardboard box, I'd be lying!
Juice - Odin - I tried two flavours. This was the most disappointing purchase of the year for me and might have been the point I stopped chain-vaping R10/ml juices (actually, these were more expensive than R10/ml)
Hey Vapers

I see a whole lot of articles and reviews of the best gear/juice over a time period, but I'm yet to come across one where people rate their worst gear/juice. What, in your opinion has been the worst/let-down Mod/RDA/RTA/RBA/juice you have experienced in the last year?

My list:

Mod: None (I always done research before buying mods)
RDA: Fishbone Plus (This might just be because I expected too much from it)
RTA: None (Same reason as stated for the Mods)
RBA: eGo one from twisp (CLR coil) - because of the leaking, gurgling and difficulty in dismantling.
Juice: Peach from Beard Vape (spent so much money on this) and most of the MOB line of juice (especially Ecto Plasma)
This is an interesting thread,I say this because everything is subjective to different tastes i.e. what I hate someone else might love it, that said:
Hellboy RDA,
KSS tank
Black Oak mech mod
Eager 120 T.C. reg.mod (absolutely the worst piece of crap ever made)
Stillare V3 rda
I am resisting the urge to come to the defense of the delicate lady Bellus... instead you can pm me to take your frustrations off your hand.. i absoluteley love Bella.
think there was a fair bit of disappointing gear, although saying that i think i have a knack for choosing the duds, a vendor i know would agree...
Mods... old i stick50.. that funky button... frustration central.
tank... may grt crucified... but the lemo2... just cant get a vape i like out of her. find everything and every build muted. happy to trade for a Bellus.
there are a few others, but in their defence i bought them for the wrong reasons, so wont list here.
drippers, vortice and dodgev2. neither lived up to my expectations.
wont list any juices, not many i like, but that is purely my palate.
Mod- Anarchist mech v1 clone, zna 50 clone (1st two devices untill I moved onto dual 18650s)

RTAs- Subtank V1, Goliath v2

RDA- Tugboat v1 clone

Juice- All have been vapeable