Wotofo Serpent Mini 25mm

My experience with the sm 25 has been iffy until I positioned my coil correctly. This coupled with correct wicking will get you the most out of this atty imo. I solely bought this as a single coil atty so I haven't tried the other deck - results could differ with that.

The first build I ran was an 8 wrap 2.4mm 26g positioned as close to the airflow as possible and wicked as per @Rob Fisher's explanation. No leaking, no dry hits but flavour was pretty meh.

Then I decided to give some 28gx2/32g 2.4mm fused clapton a go, 5 wrap. Same coil position, same wicking, same muted flavour.

On to the 26g Nichrome 2.4mm 8 wrap. Same coil position, same wicking, same muted flavour.

Off to the googles I went...

tip 1: don't fill channels with cotton, just place on top of juice holes (used a similar wicking method to the Griffin 22 where the tails of the wick just basically sit inside the channel.

result 1: slightly improved flavour but I felt that it wasn't completely where I wanted it to be. So then I found...

tip 2: raise coil 1-2mm above airflow

At this point I decided to install a 26/32 2.4mm clapton, raise it about 1.5mm above airflow intake and cotton sitting above juice channels with tails tucked in slightly.

result 2+1= BOOYA!!! The SM 25 is alive!

I still want to try the previous builds I did with the raised coil and confirm whether that was infact the issue but for now I am pretty happy with my current setup and putting out some delicious grape soda clouds!
Shot for all the cool information on this super little RTA. Mine is 2 days old and I am loving it, even with the the little factory issue single twisted 5 wrap coils. The only issue I found was the bottom airflow piece, I tightened too tight. I found it was a bit stiff while trying to open the airflow. So I broke the glass trying to get it off today. Another lesson learned. Lucky it comes with a spare glass. I will re build tomorrow. I must still try the Nichrome 80 at month end. I am a Stainless steel man, but after having read so many positive reviews about Nichrome, I have to try it.

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My experience with the sm 25 has been iffy until I positioned my coil correctly. This coupled with correct wicking will get you the most out of this atty imo. I solely bought this as a single coil atty so I haven't tried the other deck - results could differ with that.

The first build I ran was an 8 wrap 2.4mm 26g positioned as close to the airflow as possible and wicked as per @Rob Fisher's explanation. No leaking, no dry hits but flavour was pretty meh.

Then I decided to give some 28gx2/32g 2.4mm fused clapton a go, 5 wrap. Same coil position, same wicking, same muted flavour.

On to the 26g Nichrome 2.4mm 8 wrap. Same coil position, same wicking, same muted flavour.

Off to the googles I went...

tip 1: don't fill channels with cotton, just place on top of juice holes (used a similar wicking method to the Griffin 22 where the tails of the wick just basically sit inside the channel.

result 1: slightly improved flavour but I felt that it wasn't completely where I wanted it to be. So then I found...

tip 2: raise coil 1-2mm above airflow

At this point I decided to install a 26/32 2.4mm clapton, raise it about 1.5mm above airflow intake and cotton sitting above juice channels with tails tucked in slightly.

result 2+1= BOOYA!!! The SM 25 is alive!

I still want to try the previous builds I did with the raised coil and confirm whether that was infact the issue but for now I am pretty happy with my current setup and putting out some delicious grape soda clouds!
Use a 3mm or 3.5mm ID and raise the coils. I did a build similar to @Rob Fisher and it was good. I hated the 22mm serpent mini and had major doubts with this one and didn't want to get it at first but after @Rob Fisher posted about it I was curious. I'm still yet to try out the dual deck but I don't think I will any time soon because the single coil has been working well for me.
@daniel craig I rebuilt my Serpent 25 Coil this morning.

Single, Stainless steel. 24 IM 8 wraps, 0.37 Ohms. Did not tuck my "Bow tie" cotton set up too deep into the juice wells. Oh my goodness, what a glorious Vape! I also have no intention of using a duel build yet as this is my first atty with a single build which is dead easy to assemble.

Absolutely loving this RTA. So much so that I could easily get another, but a black one. I have a feeling though that by month end, these will all be sold out @SirVape.

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@daniel craig I rebuilt my Serpent 25 Coil this morning.

Single, Stainless steel. 24 IM 8 wraps, 0.37 Ohms. Did not tuck my "Bow tie" cotton set up too deep into the juice wells. Oh my goodness, what a glorious Vape! I also have no intention of using a duel build yet as this is my first atty with a single build which is dead easy to assemble.

Absolutely loving this RTA. So much so that I could easily get another, but a black one. I have a feeling though that by month end, these will all be sold out @SirVape.

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I did mine the same way, I didn't tuck the bow tie wick too much into the juice holes. I'm glad you got yours running good. I was gonna take a black but my only issue with the black is that the paint peels off. I had a 22mm in black and the paint wasn't too good because it peels easily.
The Video on rebuilding and wicking the Serpent Mini 25 Single Coil is busy compiling and will be uploaded in the next hour or so!
Thanks Mr Fisher and Big Guy. Thoroughly enjoyed the single coil build and wicking video. It's a must see!

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If Goldfinger was 'n vaper ;)
I've taken the plunge! After seeing so many good things said about this atty, I could not help myself. Come on Vape Mail!
Running a 24ga 2.5mm Id single coil at about 35w and it's delicious... Been trying all my old diy juices to see what they now taste like