You don't know Nicotine

As promised, official feedback coppied directly from the mailing list.


We were only a week away from releasing our first trailer when the big world premiere at the Riverside Theater in Milwaukee had to be postponed.

I'm excited to share it with you today as we begin a new path forward.

Since my last letter to you, the difficulties have continued behind the scenes. We are all facing challenges few could have imagined last year at this time. If it weren't for the heavy topic we're dealing with in this film, I would have postponed the launch entirely until next year and focused on supporting my family and colleagues during this difficult season.

However, we believe this film has the ability to positively impact the lives of up to two billion people. The COVID-19 pandemic has only made this movie more needed.

In order for it to have the impact we hope for, we must launch it in a notable way so it reaches beyond the Kickstarter backers and into conversations with the general public. This is why we were so focused on doing film festivals, big premieres, and conferences. We must create buzz before the movie is finally released to the public. Most big options go away once the movie is "out".

After various starts/restarts/cancellations with film festivals and traditional premieres due to COVID-19, we've decided to shake things up a bit...

I'll share more information in the next email.

For now, we'll start building buzz with our trailer. Please watch, comment, and share on the following platforms:




Stay tuned...


Aaron Biebert

Director, You Don't Know Nicotine

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