You Know You're A Vaper When...

Oops it actually did upload lol
When you spending more money on vape gear and juice than you ever did on stinkies and still find reasons to justify it

When justifying the above, you realize that you much happier spending money on vape gear and juice

I have the ultimate response: Can you put a price on quitting smoking? I can : R4000 plus!!!!!!!!!!LOL
when your receptionist walks into your office and says: "mmm your office smells nice, what is it? oh wait, it's that thingie you're 'smoking'" hahaha :rock:
hahaha atleast with my MVP i don't get that anymore, but i do get teased for "smoking my walkie talkie" :rofl:
when your domestic worker rushes into the kichen where you are busy asking in a skweeky voice : WHAT IS BURNING, I JUST SEE SMOKE!!
When your all day vape has become a dripper.

Oh yes, dripped and drove today. Tired of leaking tanks.

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When you take your kid for a milkshake and accidently lung hit your double thick chocolate with sprinkles ...
When you take your kid for a milkshake and accidently lung hit your double thick chocolate with sprinkles ...
damnit, I over-lolled this one.... must remember to separate lips before bursting with laughter :rolleyes:
When you walk into a clothing store, see the tag that says XL and the first thing that comes to mind is 26650 Mod
When you start pricing everything against how many juices you could buy
When you refer to a spring that fits on you of road bike as a coil
When you start pricing everything against how many juices you could buy

I was actually in a very similar position last night.

My misses offered to buy me a car mod that I've been wanting for a while.
Instead of jumping at it, I started working out in my head what vape gear I could get instead. :lol:
All your mod batteries are dead and you stick your kayfun 3.1 on an ego :eek:


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When you show others how to make coils all day long, for work, then you come home and make another one for yourself and are still amazed at the outcome.

When you try demist your car windows and it just doesn't work, even with the aircon on during a freezing winter morning(True Story).
When you find yourself thinking about your next coil build while taking a shower