Your Thoughts on my next Mod


So I'm currently vaping a subtank mini on an istick 30w and after starting out as a noob, am now vaping my own sub ohm coils between 20-30 watts maxing my device most of the time. I'm ready to buy a new mod which i'm going to pair with the Billow V2 and a Goblin Mini.

The advice I really need is, after reading about temp control and seeing that it's the new trend, do I really have to get a TC mod ? I'd rather just get a Smok M80 and use it as a vw device or should I get a real temp control mod?
I would wait for the sigelei 75w arriving in SA this week... The sigelei brand is synonymous with quality and it has a yihi chip (which has proven to be great). It may cost a bit more with batteries and a charger, but I promise you it will be worth it (in my opinion).

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I have all four devices and pair the billow v2 with the m80 and goblin mini with the evic. I havent used either device in temp control as i prefer kanthal builds in these atomizers. If i have to choose between the two ill take the evic and goblin mini over the billow and smok m80

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The m80 is a beast. Also not feeling the temp vibes. Kanthal is so much easier. And with the billow 2, you dont have to worry about dry hits in any case.
Agree with @Barak, M80 is good for the price and puts out more than enough. A proper coil build on a good tank will beat temp sensing. Plus if you get the new Vocc coils for the ST mini which are awesome by the way. never a dry hit
I love my M80! I have a 0.4ohm build on it and I get a little more than 2 days of heavy vaping on a charge.

Even though it has faux temp control, it still does a decent job of regulating the power. It doesn't give you dry hit protection, but because I'm running a tank, that doesn't really matter. It is a very nice mod and I comfortably run a 0.2 ohm dual build on my Mutation X.

What I do like about the algorithmic 'temp control' is that it works on Kanthal builds. Nickel is iffy to work with and if you're planning on doing some crazy builds then kanthal is the way to go.

Just my :2c:, use it, don't use it.
I love my M80! I have a 0.4ohm build on it and I get a little more than 2 days of heavy vaping on a charge.

Even though it has faux temp control, it still does a decent job of regulating the power. It doesn't give you dry hit protection, but because I'm running a tank, that doesn't really matter. It is a very nice mod and I comfortably run a 0.2 ohm dual build on my Mutation X.

What I do like about the algorithmic 'temp control' is that it works on Kanthal builds. Nickel is iffy to work with and if you're planning on doing some crazy builds then kanthal is the way to go.

Just my :2c:, use it, don't use it.

Thanks for the help, i'm going with the Sigelei 75w because it has tc and also it can fire kanthal coils as low as 0.05 and all that for the price is well worth it i think