Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

Thanks to VapeClub for the pre order. I'm on cloud 9!

@VandaL. I licked your package while @JakesSA wasn't looking. :D

Hi, what category and sub category do you use when listing it for bundlebox?....

They gave me 2 options. 2 - 3 days and 3 - 5 days with the 3 - 5 days being a few cents more expensive, which I do not understand???
And you can prepay customs clearance which I thought was a bonus.
The grandpa was not part of the deal ;)
Loving the Lemo 2 at 0.5ohm 23w with DIY vanilla custard! This is so much more my style over the Kayfun 4! Vaping heaven! Thanks so much @jakesa for quick and painless purchase!

Dude, you have a segelei 150w crank it up. Atleast 35w.
Lemo looks sexy with that drip tip though. :D

I was too scared to :rofl: - had nothing but hell with the Subtanks and dry hits. But THIS. 40w and smooth smooth smooth!

So thanks! And yes - that stock tip came off straight outa the box, purely asthetic though! :-D
I was too scared to :rofl: - had nothing but hell with the Subtanks and dry hits. But THIS. 40w and smooth smooth smooth!

So thanks! And yes - that stock tip came off straight outa the box, purely asthetic though! :-D

What type of coil did you build @jl10101 ?
And how did you wick it? Pancake style?
Glad you enjoying it
What type of coil did you build @jl10101 ?
And how did you wick it? Pancake style?
Glad you enjoying it

Would you believe it - I used the prebuilt coil! Long story short - was daft with the one that I built and mangled it when changing the wick; was in a rush and threw the stock back on.

I went against my judgement and used wick a little wider than 1 cm, put the base back on and then cut right against the top of the base (thinking this might be too little) but it was just right. Poked it down whilest dry, juiced up and then flattened the ends against the posts so the channels were completely clear. I basically built a "draped curtain" around the airflow (if that makes sense?)

Really happy with this. Have good airflow (I was dripping exclusively but it was a pain to carry a bottle) and great flavour.
Thanks @jl10101
Got my Lemo2 going recently- now the experimentation starts
with my lemo 2 i also left the original coil, but i took the wicking out and snippen about 2mm of the with, so i made it thinner.\
cut the edges si it touches the deck with about 1.5mm to spare - having smooth brilliant vapes since. - even with 25pg/75vg blend juices
Dawn Wing delivered early this morning, but was soo busy had to look at this wonderful packaging till now :-@


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My first major Vape mail. MVP 2.0 and Nautilus Mini

Something a bit more pocketable than the BT50 and Atlantis

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk