Explain Your Forum Name


Im the real boss
Supporting Vendor
Fourways, South Africa
Saw this on POTV and it got me quite curious as to where your names all come from

Stroodlepuff is one if those random nicknames that make no sense and have no meaning but sticks...my best friend Jessica (she lives in the UK now) and I went through a stage of calling each other chicken as teens and somehow we started realizing it was silly and joking around with it where one would call the other pie or something silly and one day she called me stroodlepuff and its kinda stuck ever since, think I was around 17/18 at the time...

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Mine is pretty easy to understand. :D

Having played on forums for so long I find it easier to use real names... that way when I get to a meeting I only have one name to remember per person instead of two!
Zodiac Screenprinting was the name of my late father's business. I've always liked the name and used it as my nick in games. Since i've been playing lan's and online games, i've been known as Zodiac, its also become my general online name :)
@Stroodlepuff - Oh super, thanks for explaining. I thought your nickname had to do with vaping.

Anyhow, mine is a shortened version of SilverAngel, the nickname my biker buddies and I gave to my motorbike back in the days when I was young and full of energy and risk taking ;-)

I also am more of a silver kind of guy. I prefer the colour silver to gold for most things.

The 1 after Silver was just an added number in case someone else on the forum had the name. Wasn't really necessary.

Now you all know

EDITED much later - I dropped the "1" after my name thanks to a suggestion from @Matthee and @Gizmo's help. The username "Silver" was still available ;-)
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here we go...it was Tom by the lack of creativity. just wanted to get on this, fast..... :D
Ok so im The Golf, which comes from my racing days, of being the fastest N/A Drag car in South Africa. I have a world ranking in the class @ the time of no3. So The Golf come from, knowing all things golf related. Have to say it was back then like 5 years ago, times have changed now lol

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I like the name Zodiac. Sounds powerful. Like a wizard with powers ;-)
Ok so im The Golf, which comes from my racing days, of being the fastest N/A Drag car in South Africa. I have a world ranking in the class @ the time of no3. So The Golf come from, knowing all things golf related. Have to say it was back then like 5 years ago, times have changed now lol

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@Stroodlepuff - Oh super, thanks for explaining. I thought your nickname had to do with vaping.

Anyhow, mine is a shortened version of SilverAngel, the nickname my biker buddies and I gave to my motorbike back in the days when I was young and full of energy and risk taking ;-)

I also am more of a silver kind of guy. I prefer the colour silver to gold for most things.

The 1 after Silver was just an added number in case someone else on the forum had the name. Wasn't really necessary.

Now you all know

Hehe its a pleasure :p I didn't even think of that :eek: but now that you mentioned it, that gives it a whole new meaning :D

I agree with you I'll take silver over gold anyday
I kind of just thought my nIc name up randomly been using it for the past few years as my online gaming name... My more longer friends call me BVB tho for my initials.

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The name Zodiac always reminds me of the Zodiac Killer of the late 60's early 70's :confused:
Mine is from my first real bass boat which I christened Vaalboy. From the mid 90's I lived at the Vaal river for 10 years. This also being where I started bass fishing. Name stuck so I use it in forums/mail addresses etc.

Should consider changing it to Vaalouballie though
TylerD is as you can see in my avatar, from the movie Fight club. Short for Tyler Durden. One of the best movies ever. I also love Chuck Palahniuk books. The guy who wrote Fight club.
let see now, had to choose a gaming name many many moons ago and denizen seemed like a good idea. the x after that was just to cover all those other yahoo's stealing my gaming name :)
Well mine is .... well my name that my parents picked for me...I don't know why they did, but I guess they had their reasons :)

In Gaming tho my name is Delilah, and no not "the plain white t's" Delilah as I'm quite a few years older than that song :) but like the Tom Jones "Delilah" who got killed in the song, it was my mom's CB call sign when she was still active, and I use it now since she doesn't any more.
haha my mom also refer to her CB day's as a Million years ago :)