
Rob Fisher

Staff member
Winston Park, Durbs
I suspect I may have an issue with PG... I'm getting these headaches on the left sphere of my pip and have to take 2 Myprodol to get rid of it... and it appears to coincide with Vaping... I wonder if it's the PG or Nic or the Menthol?

I have some 100% VG Menthol Ice coming tomorrow so that can be the test to rule out PG.

I have had this headache on and off for sometime now and didn't want to bring it up but I fear there is a correlation with vaping? Happily 2 Myprodols clear it up and the rest of the day is fine but I can't take 2 heavy pain killers every day.

Anyone else getting headaches?
What is your water consumption like @Rob Fisher?

With vaping water intake is quite important.
:cool: (Let the doc see Hmmmmm i see due Too much Menthol Ice its causing a brain freeze jj ):D

I had a one side headache problem about a year ago be4my vaping journey started turned out to be a tooth problem
Taking myprodols to often cant be healthy hope you feel better soon

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What is your water consumption like @Rob Fisher?

With vaping water intake is quite important.

My water consumption isn't that good... funny you should say that because it is a similar headache when I get dehydrated when I don't drink enough while out fishing...

I will get some bottles of water on my desk now...
My water consumption isn't that good... funny you should say that because it is a similar headache when I get dehydrated when I don't drink enough while out fishing...

I will get some bottles of water on my desk now...
Good idea..

If I am not mistaken PG can dehydrate the body and topping up on water is always a good thing.
Rob, aim for at least 1.5 to 2 litres a day - just take occasional sips.
I have a 1.5l Valpre bottle on my desk at all times, which I fill each morning.

If that doesnt work - then cut out Menthol Ice for a day and try a different flavour.
Doubt it's that, but may be worth trying...

But I agree with @BhavZ - I think he may be spot on.
Rob, another thing to consider. .. It could be the elevated nicotine intake.

I've noticed that when I vape heavily, or even when I used to smoke heavily, I would wake up with a headache. I reckon it was the extra nicotine.

By quitting smoking and vaping instead, most of us elevated our nicotine considerably. I could feel this for the 1st few days of vaping.

I would not rule out the menthol though, after vaping it today for a few hours to try and kill vapers tongue, I realised VM menthol is some serious juice. I was never a menthol smoker so it was a complete shock to my system. My throat is still tingling, 3hrs later.

Good luck and please keep us up to date
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I tend to agree with @BhavZ, I have found that I'm so thirsty all the time now that I've swooped to vaping, but gotta say I love the VM Menthol Ice! It clears and opens up all the airways :D

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@Rob Fisher it could also be due to eyestrain, trying to count the wraps on those micro coils really kills me. Thank goodness for cell phone cams and the zoom function. But on a serious note. Do you have any associated stiff shoulder/neck pain. I often get tension headaches from time spent in front of the PC, where I don't move any of the muscles in my neck. Just something else to consider, also agree on the hydration theory, check the colour of your tongue, and if it's very white and feels scratchy it's could be dehydration.
Never thought of that, this site is really addictive... could be the extra online time
Thanks guys... I think it may be nic or water related... I have spent many hours behind the PC so it's not that..

I probably go through 8-9mls a day.
Thanks guys... I think it may be nic or water related... I have spent many hours behind the PC so it's not that..

I probably go through 8-9mls a day.

At what mg?
And what cigs were you smoking before?
Wow Rob that's an impressive quantity of liquid "consumption" Hahaha ;)

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It doesn't sound like that much Rob. I am probably in region of 5-8 ml - with 8ml being a big day of chain vaping and feeling like I am heading towards a silver once or twice. And juice consumption has peaked with the Reo on hand

I am vaping diluted juice so actual strength of nic is between 4.5mg and 6mg.
I think @Rob has his juice consumption and nic strength sorted if i am not mistaken. This is probably only recent occurrence ? I think try @BhavZ's suggestions, more water consumption (these last few days were blazingly hot), the 100% VG and lastly a day without the Menthol. I'm sure that should narrow it down.
Wow ok. Maybe it's just me but that's quite a bit.

I smoked Stuyvesant blue, about 20 a day, and have been having about 2 mls of 18mg a day. If I vape a new juice and get carried away(more than about 4mls) in a day, I wake up with a big eggache.
Wow ok. Maybe it's just me but that's quite a bit.

I smoked Stuyvesant blue, about 20 a day, and have been having about 2 mls of 18mg a day. If I vape a new juice and get carried away(more than about 4mls) in a day, I wake up with a big eggache.

Mmmm OK maybe I'm over doing it then...
I also vape about 2 - 2.5ml's on average, and thought it was much, until i saw all the other forumites consumptions, then i was like, shoo, i actually vape less than most of the guys.

Oh and btw, information overload : ' I wake up with a big eggache' :D
I also vape about 2 - 2.5ml's on average, and thought it was much, until i saw all the other forumites consumptions, then i was like, shoo, i actually vape less than most of the guys.

Oh and btw, information overload : ' I wake up with a big eggache' :D

Hahaha, my 4 year old came up with that after I told him I had a headache. Now when he is meant to do something, he says he can't... he has an eggache. I have to try not laugh every time
you guys have me worried here. I am not drinking more than about 500 ml water per day and after over a month I am still vaping 10 - 15 ml per day!

That might explain why I am going through 3 batteries per day :D
A doctor once said to me... no idea how true it is...

An animal only drinks water when it's thirsty, we are descendants of animals (no religious debates pls)... your body tells you when you need water by activating the thirty feeling. Made sense at the time.
Ive heard from a doctor that by the time you feel thirsty its already stage 2 or 3 of dehydration. Lol. Silly doctors. Slate ecigs and confuse the public. I figure as we are made of 80% h20 a little extra is a good thing