I Love Cats

Thanks all........ I am not really an emotional person but........my wife did not call me at work yesterday to tell me as she knew that was my favourite cat. More like a dog actually. Whenever I get home from work he was there to greet me....like a dog he would jump up on my leg until I scratched his head a bit. He would follow me everywhere when I am at home. Sometimes I would be doing some DIY in the garage and he would follow me back and forth between the house and the garage across the courtyard in the rain. He would sit on the basin every morning while I brush my teeth. I could not even take a crap without him else he would moan at the bathroom door until I opened it. He loved sleeping at my feet or on the massage chair in my bedroom. He would divide his time between me, my daughter and my wife.

So when I got home yesterday my wife blurted it out and soon as I walked in as she knew I would immediately look for him as he would normally be waiting for me. I asked her to stop and not talk any further until I had digested it. It was bothering me that he was still lying next to the house. I desperately needed to bury him but it was pouring outside. At 11pm I turned on the TV and saw all these scenes of death and it disturbed me so deeply that I got up and went to the garage. I could not care anymore how hard it was raining. I fetched a spade and dug a hole in the pouring rain. But it is when I opened the bag just before I put him in the hole when I broke down completely from the gut wrenching agony of seeing my lifeless pet who was such an integral part of my normal life. My wife did not notice because when I got back I was soaked till in my socks. Still feeling like someone ripped my guts out...View attachment 8561 View attachment 8562 View attachment 8563
Your words have made this come alive for us. Thank you for sharing. May the pain recede and the memories comfort you.
Thanks all........ I am not really an emotional person but........my wife did not call me at work yesterday to tell me as she knew that was my favourite cat. More like a dog actually. Whenever I get home from work he was there to greet me....like a dog he would jump up on my leg until I scratched his head a bit. He would follow me everywhere when I am at home. Sometimes I would be doing some DIY in the garage and he would follow me back and forth between the house and the garage across the courtyard in the rain. He would sit on the basin every morning while I brush my teeth. I could not even take a crap without him else he would moan at the bathroom door until I opened it. He loved sleeping at my feet or on the massage chair in my bedroom. He would divide his time between me, my daughter and my wife.

So when I got home yesterday my wife blurted it out and soon as I walked in as she knew I would immediately look for him as he would normally be waiting for me. I asked her to stop and not talk any further until I had digested it. It was bothering me that he was still lying next to the house. I desperately needed to bury him but it was pouring outside. At 11pm I turned on the TV and saw all these scenes of death and it disturbed me so deeply that I got up and went to the garage. I could not care anymore how hard it was raining. I fetched a spade and dug a hole in the pouring rain. But it is when I opened the bag just before I put him in the hole when I broke down completely from the gut wrenching agony of seeing my lifeless pet who was such an integral part of my normal life. My wife did not notice because when I got back I was soaked till in my socks. Still feeling like someone ripped my guts out...View attachment 8561 View attachment 8562 View attachment 8563

I have a lost a cat the same way. Also a dog the same way. It's very painful, I am sorry for your loss. What beautiful little kitty you had :(

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I love cats to bits. ....
I just buried one of mine an hour ago.....looks like he got knocked over by a car...and then made it as far as next to my fence where my wife found him this afternoon after she went looking for him as she had seen him early this morning last....absolutely heartbroken. ...rip Snoopy....

I'm so sorry for your loss friend, it's absolutely heart wrenching to have to go through something like this. Animals aren't just pets, they are our family and i am very sorry that you lost one of your family members ;( keeping you in my thoughts, strongs... :hug:
I love cats to bits. ....
I just buried one of mine an hour ago.....looks like he got knocked over by a car...and then made it as far as next to my fence where my wife found him this afternoon after she went looking for him as she had seen him early this morning last....absolutely heartbroken. ...rip Snoopy....
I just read this now, aw man I'm so sorry for your loss... know exactly how you feel, had this happen one too many times also ;(
I want a little munchkin cat, they have very short legs, the look so cute.... And a british shorthare cat. I love cats, the are so adorable...
That is a beautiful cat....

Thanks... she is a very special cat... she is a one man cat as opposed to a family cat... when I go away I have to phone her and talk to her... people think I'm crazy but she calms down after "speaking" to me on the phone. She is a Bengal... Cross between the Asian Wild Cat and Domestic cats... 5th generation.

If she is not out hunting in the gorge below she is with me 24/7.
Thanks... she is a very special cat... she is a one man cat as opposed to a family cat... when I go away I have to phone her and talk to her... people think I'm crazy but she calms down after "speaking" to me on the phone. She is a Bengal... Cross between the Asian Wild Cat and Domestic cats... 5th generation.

If she is not out hunting in the gorge below she is with me 24/7.
So cute, I speak to my cat to, she knows when I am in the house, when she walks in she screams till she finds me, when I'm not feeling well she comes and sit on my lap with her head om my hand. I love a one man cat, they are very loving only to u
So cute, I speak to my cat to, she knows when I am in the house, when she walks in she screams till she finds me, when I'm not feeling well she comes and sit on my lap with her head om my hand. I love a one man cat, they are very loving only to u

Only a cat person would understand. ;)
I love this guy! He has a whole lot of these things that ____ do that would be creepy if you do them - he is hilarious

Broke our hearts. On a pavement in Tbilisi, Georgia.

Broke our hearts. On a pavement in Tbilisi, Georgia.


You go pet that cat RIGHT MEOW!

Poor katteh. Looks really down trodden

Not all feral cats are saints

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Broke our hearts. On a pavement in Tbilisi, Georgia.


All my kitties are the "break your heart" -type kitties that I rescued.
Daddy loves all the little kitties!

But I have to stop myself sometimes, or things will go out of control in here real fast...
Wish I could save em all!
Heidi and Cinder
by rykinshin · 9 hours ago

My cat seemed lonely after my old cat died so I adopted this kitty to keep her company.

At first she wasn't too happy about it.

I kept them separated for the first two weeks and introduced them slowly.

Soon enough they began playing together.

And before I knew it they were best friends.

One happy year later.
