Introduce Yourselves:

Hi All I'm lyle. Been vaping for about 3.5 years. Only recently got in to mods and DIY juice. Always wanting to expand my knowledge base and I welcome all advice. I'm a tinkerer by heart so always messing around with coil builds. Haven't touch a cig in over 3yrs. Thanks
Welcome to the community - it is peaceful and lots of great people to make your vaping more interesting and of better quality!
Hey everyone, thought it's about time I introduce myself. Been a vaper for years and a forum lurker for a few months. I'm addicted to Oupa's choc mint liquid and giving CVS my money for shiny new gear. Looking forward to becoming a part of the community here.

Peace. Love. Death metal.

Chain smoker for 5 years, bad weight issues and high blood pressure. switch to Vaping - good old days of Twisp Neo, still kept on sucking on Satan's death stick. then twisp update came through and i got hooked. at the same time i started on the 'bant'ing lifestyle...with banting and vaping i am now no longer needing diabetes pills, and i have shaken off my sleep apnea.

I am still new, and did my research on new tech and am currently awaiting some awesome new toys.

and i am feeding a new deamon.....

soon my precious :makeup::dance:??

Another banter! Awesome stuff! Welcome to the forums!
Hey everyone, thought it's about time I introduce myself. Been a vaper for years and a forum lurker for a few months. I'm addicted to Oupa's choc mint liquid and giving CVS my money for shiny new gear. Looking forward to becoming a part of the community here.

Peace. Love. Death metal.


Welcome to the forum @oombok
Hey everyone, thought it's about time I introduce myself. Been a vaper for years and a forum lurker for a few months. I'm addicted to Oupa's choc mint liquid and giving CVS my money for shiny new gear. Looking forward to becoming a part of the community here.

Peace. Love. Death metal.

Hi guys I'm very new to vaping. I have a twisp clero and a vision spinner ii battery with a pro tank 3 mini. Im looking for some more nice vaping tools and best vaping juices. Im in Cap Town. Plz any help will be grateful.

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Welcome. There are many different tools and juices it's all up to personal preference. But I'm sure you will get tons of advice her

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Hi guys I'm very new to vaping. I have a twisp clero and a vision spinner ii battery with a pro tank 3 mini. Im looking for some more nice vaping tools and best vaping juices. Im in Cap Town. Plz any help will be grateful.

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Most welcome to the forum. The Spinner2 with mPT3 is already a great combination to vape on. The next steps could be:
  1. A bigger VV/VW (variable voltage and variable wattage) device like the MVP, SVD, Vamo, etc and possibly a bigger tank like the Aerotank Mega; or
  2. An even more powerful VV/VW device like the Sigelei 20W with a rebuildable atomizer (RBA) like the Kayfun/Russian; or
  3. A mechanical mod like the Nemesis, Launcher V2, etc., with a RBA; or
  4. The Reo Grand with Reomizer2 (a bottom fed mech mod with a RBA) - check this thread.
For great juices check out Many of our registered resellers carry these devices and more juices. Check out their forums.

Shout if you have any questions. Happy vaping.
Im looking into the aerotank mega. Which VV/VW is the best out of all them. And is Kangerteck the best tanks u get? I love my PT MINI 3 nice 3 air holes and can take some nice 7 seconds drags with a lot of vaper.

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Welcome to all the new members, happy vaping :rock:

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Im looking into the aerotank mega. Which VV/VW is the best out of all them. And is Kangerteck the best tanks u get? I love my PT MINI 3 nice 3 air holes and can take some nice 7 seconds drags with a lot of vaper.

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Completely preference, where the Sigeili is the only one out that lot that will do 20w, it's still a tube mod. If you prefer a box mod the mvp (12w) has a battery that lasts a full day and then some. Someone on the forum is doing a group buy of hana mod clones which do 30w. Depends what you looking for.

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Im looking into the aerotank mega. Which VV/VW is the best out of all them. And is Kangerteck the best tanks u get? I love my PT MINI 3 nice 3 air holes and can take some nice 7 seconds drags with a lot of vaper.
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Hah, those are so subjective. I have the Vamo v5 (stainless steel) and the SVD. Prefer the Vamo V5. Do, however, think the Sigelei 20W is a prudent buy as it can take you far should you go with RBAs later on in your journey. Have not tried the Aero Mega, some here says it takes a while to heat up, others differ. Do, however, have the mPT3 and the Mini Aerotank and love them both. The stainless steel tank that comes with the Mini Aero is awesome and you get air flow control as well. Another consideration is the Nautilus, which many are a fan of - I prefer the Kangertech tanks.
Thx for all the advise. Im gonna get a mvp and a vamo v5. With aerotank and aerotank mini. Thx again. :)

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Thx for all the advise. Im gonna get a mvp and a vamo v5. With aerotank and aerotank mini. Thx again. :)

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Good choices. Make sure the Vamo is stainless steel (the others have been giving problems).
Hey everyone, thought it's about time I introduce myself. Been a vaper for years and a forum lurker for a few months. I'm addicted to Oupa's choc mint liquid and giving CVS my money for shiny new gear. Looking forward to becoming a part of the community here.

Peace. Love. Death metal.


Welcome @oombok
Hope you enjoy your stay. We have a great place here!
Am also addicted to @Oupa's Choc Mint, so we have something in common ;-)
All the best
Hi guys I'm very new to vaping. I have a twisp clero and a vision spinner ii battery with a pro tank 3 mini. Im looking for some more nice vaping tools and best vaping juices. Im in Cap Town. Plz any help will be grateful.

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Welcome to the forum @VapeSnow
Hi guys I'm very new to vaping. I have a twisp clero and a vision spinner ii battery with a pro tank 3 mini. Im looking for some more nice vaping tools and best vaping juices. Im in Cap Town. Plz any help will be grateful.

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Welcome @VapeSnow
Hope you enjoy your stay here. We have an awesome forum!
The other members have given good advice and I saw your responses, all the best, i dont think you will go wrong.

Getting decent equipment is a must - but I have found that the really challenging yet fun part is finding the juices you like. My advice is try sample a wide range of suppliers. Try buy small quantities or just one or two from each supplier. If you like those, you can go for more from that supplier. It helps if you can get sample sizes at lower cost. Vapour Mountain as mentioned already is a great start. But there are several others such as VapeKing, JustB, Craft Vapour and the list goes on. Check out the retailers on the home page under the retailer section. And also check out ELiquid reviews to see what others say about the various juices.

All the best for your journey