New Steep Method : Shake & Bake :)

I don't need a speed steeping trick, I need a speed vaping trick. When I started DIY, I was about two weeks ahead of the curve, i.e. if I mixed a juice, I would need to vape it about two weeks later. That has now extended out to about three months. So my problem is not whether the flavours will have steeped properly, it's whether there will be any flavour left, particularly with TFA Strawberry Ripe. :p
back up your straw ripe with some dragonfruit. You may thank me in like 4 months when the results show.

EDIT: Your problem is a fantastic one to have lol
Thanks, I was thinking either Dragonfruit, TFA Strawberry or Cap Sweet Strawberry. Apparently all work to prolong Ripe's flavour. What ratio would you recommend, 3 Ripe to 1 Dragonfruit?
Thanks, I was thinking either Dragonfruit, TFA Strawberry or Cap Sweet Strawberry. Apparently all work to prolong Ripe's flavour. What ratio would you recommend, 3 Ripe to 1 Dragonfruit?
I only used... wait 3 to 1 is pretty much right! It says on my mix sheet here I used 4 percent Straw Ripe, and .75 percent Dragonfruit. I am quite happy with it, it still tastes like fresh ripe slightly tart strawberries and that is on a waffle base with ice cream so it managed to stand up to the heavy dough also.
Combining TFA Strawberry and Straw Ripe is a good way to create a fruit jam base. 50/50 check it out. You know Jelly by Twonk? It is THAT strawberry if you mix ém 50/50
The most important attribute of a DIYer is patience. Whether it's being patient in the search for that perfect ADV, patient in learning the craft of mixing or good old fashioned patience in waiting for a juice to steep.

The trick is to plan ahead. When you've found a couple of solid ADVs keep mixing them a couple of weeks before you run out of your current stock. When trying new recipes or experimenting mix something every few days or at least one a week. That way you'll always have something new to vape.

You can also mix juices with different steep times at once, so you'll have something to try in 3 days, 5 days, a week etc.

Waiting for a juice to steep shouldn't be a bad thing - it's half the fun as you always have something to look forward to. It's kinda like getting vape mail every week :p
The most important attribute of a DIYer is patience. Whether it's being patient in the search for that perfect ADV, patient in learning the craft of mixing or good old fashioned patience in waiting for a juice to steep.

The trick is to plan ahead. When you've found a couple of solid ADVs keep mixing them a couple of weeks before you run out of your current stock. When trying new recipes or experimenting mix something every few days or at least one a week. That way you'll always have something new to vape.

You can also mix juices with different steep times at once, so you'll have something to try in 3 days, 5 days, a week etc.

Waiting for a juice to steep shouldn't be a bad thing - it's half the fun as you always have something to look forward to. It's kinda like getting vape mail every week :p

Exactly!! If DIY is your hobby then the steep process becomes part of the whole experience. The anticipation of cracking open that 4 week Phillip Rocke Grand Reserve or the one week Strawnana adds to the excitement - like opening your Christmas present on Christmas and not having a sneak peak 2 weeks before.... Also, there is the question of would it have been better if I let it steep properly vs immediate (mediocre) results?

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Thanks, I was thinking either Dragonfruit, TFA Strawberry or Cap Sweet Strawberry. Apparently all work to prolong Ripe's flavour. What ratio would you recommend, 3 Ripe to 1 Dragonfruit?

Throw in some LA Banana Cream and you have Bombies lol
Exactly!! If DIY is your hobby then the steep process becomes part of the whole experience. The anticipation of cracking open that 4 week Phillip Rocke Grand Reserve or the one week Strawnana adds to the excitement - like opening your Christmas present on Christmas and not having a sneak peak 2 weeks before.... Also, there is the question of would it have been better if I let it steep properly vs immediate (mediocre) results?

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Rudi you are making perfect sense here - I think the H-Sonic or Heated Magnetic stirrer gets you to about 60% of where you ultimately should be. The best method is time. I've started weeding out the recipes that I dont like, and almost at a point where I have 4 ADV, so now i'm going to start making larger quantities when I mix - if you get into a fortnightly cycle, the time factor wont play a role anymore. But you must admit, its lots of dedication and future planning.
Hey All,

I made a simple batch of mustard milk, just TFA strawberry and TFA Vanilla bean ice cream..Does it need to stand for minimum two weeks? I've just been tipping it every now and then and its been in the cupboard since Saturday
Hey All,

I made a simple batch of mustard milk, just TFA strawberry and TFA Vanilla bean ice cream..Does it need to stand for minimum two weeks? I've just been tipping it every now and then and its been in the cupboard since Saturday

Personally i steep anything with a creamy ingredient at least a week. Also found that TFA strawberry is a bit harsh for me without steeping
Hey All,

I made a simple batch of mustard milk, just TFA strawberry and TFA Vanilla bean ice cream..Does it need to stand for minimum two weeks? I've just been tipping it every now and then and its been in the cupboard since Saturday

Nope. All depends on whether you enjoy it or not. It does naturally get better with age. Give it a test and see if you like it, if you reckon its good enough then go for it.

For ultimate enjoyment steeping longer is better for sure, but if you like the taste then why not vape it.
Hey All,

I made a simple batch of mustard milk, just TFA strawberry and TFA Vanilla bean ice cream..Does it need to stand for minimum two weeks? I've just been tipping it every now and then and its been in the cupboard since Saturday

I mix up MM (well my rendition) every month and I must agree with @SmokeyJoe that it needs at least a week. MM gets better the longer you steep it, I find after 2 weeks it really starts to shine!
I mix up MM (well my rendition) every month and I must agree with @SmokeyJoe that it needs at least a week. MM gets better the longer you steep it, I find after 2 weeks it really starts to shine!

Thanks @Greyz @Caveman @SmokeyJoe, I made the batch on Saturday so maybe I crack it open on Saturday and see how it is...I keep forgetting that this is such a perfect spot for me to raise my concerns about DIY as I have literally just started.

My next concentrates purchase will be for a Bronuts and Unicorn milk:

CAP Chocolate Glazed Doughnut
FA Joy
FW Yellow Cake
INW Biscuit

Unicorn Milk
TFA Strawberry
TFA Cheesecake Graham Cracker
TFA Sweet Cream
TFA Bavarian Cream
TFA Vanilla Custard

Do these recipes sounds good? I wont know but I do like the sound of them and that's usually how I will need to go about things when starting out.
Thanks @Greyz @Caveman @SmokeyJoe, I made the batch on Saturday so maybe I crack it open on Saturday and see how it is...I keep forgetting that this is such a perfect spot for me to raise my concerns about DIY as I have literally just started.

My next concentrates purchase will be for a Bronuts and Unicorn milk:

CAP Chocolate Glazed Doughnut
FA Joy
FW Yellow Cake
INW Biscuit

Unicorn Milk
TFA Strawberry
TFA Cheesecake Graham Cracker
TFA Sweet Cream
TFA Bavarian Cream
TFA Vanilla Custard

Do these recipes sounds good? I wont know but I do like the sound of them and that's usually how I will need to go about things when starting out.

Ive made the unicorn clone before, very nice, but needs a long steep, otherwise the cheesecake tastes rank
Thanks @Greyz @Caveman @SmokeyJoe, I made the batch on Saturday so maybe I crack it open on Saturday and see how it is...I keep forgetting that this is such a perfect spot for me to raise my concerns about DIY as I have literally just started.

My next concentrates purchase will be for a Bronuts and Unicorn milk:

CAP Chocolate Glazed Doughnut
FA Joy
FW Yellow Cake
INW Biscuit

Unicorn Milk
TFA Strawberry
TFA Cheesecake Graham Cracker
TFA Sweet Cream
TFA Bavarian Cream
TFA Vanilla Custard

Do these recipes sounds good? I wont know but I do like the sound of them and that's usually how I will need to go about things when starting out.

That Bronuts is looking like a lekke recipe - does it gunk up coils?
Thanks @Greyz @Caveman @SmokeyJoe, I made the batch on Saturday so maybe I crack it open on Saturday and see how it is...I keep forgetting that this is such a perfect spot for me to raise my concerns about DIY as I have literally just started.

My next concentrates purchase will be for a Bronuts and Unicorn milk:

CAP Chocolate Glazed Doughnut
FA Joy
FW Yellow Cake
INW Biscuit

Unicorn Milk
TFA Strawberry
TFA Cheesecake Graham Cracker
TFA Sweet Cream
TFA Bavarian Cream
TFA Vanilla Custard

Do these recipes sounds good? I wont know but I do like the sound of them and that's usually how I will need to go about things when starting out.
You can't go wrong with both of those recipes, Bronuts and UM are in my monthly DIY rotation.
The UM recipe you have is lacking a few ingredients. I've attached a screenshot of the recipe i use. I made a small change by mixing up 2 different strawberries, hit you can just use CAP Sweet Strawberry at 8.5% - that is what the original recipe looks like.


Something I found quite by accident was mixing Bronuts and UM. A lovely milky chic donut with a hint of Strawberry.

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So our conclusion here is to shake and wait - and rather get into the routine of mixing your juice upfront. This means I have a Legit reason to go buy new concentrates now.

I've been liking the Burst lemonade juices - mixed up a pretty basic recipe Lemonade (FW) Strawberry (TFA) Strawberry Ripe (TFA). Then also took out the strawberries and mixed Lemonade (FW) Sweet Melon (FW) Cantaloupe (FW) - which was lekke.

So from a Lemonade perspective i'm cool - I checked someone mention that Strawberry Ripe (TFA) and Strawberry (TFA) goes really well with Dragonfruit (CAP) - is this really so?

Then im on the hunt for a simple - smooth strawberry milk, trying to steer away from complex mixes - less is more.
You can't go wrong with both of those recipes, Bronuts and UM are in my monthly DIY rotation.
The UM recipe you have is lacking a few ingredients. I've attached a screenshot of the recipe i use. I made a small change by mixing up 2 different strawberries, hit you can just use CAP Sweet Strawberry at 8.5% - that is what the original recipe looks like.


Something I found quite by accident was mixing Bronuts and UM. A lovely milky chic donut with a hint of Strawberry.

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WOW that's awesome @Greyz, thank you so much for seems like A LOT OF ingredients, where do you make you're purchases from? different places?
@Imtiaaz, as you get heavier into DIY you almost have to use a range of vendors as nobody has all the flavours you'll need.
WOW that's awesome @Greyz, thank you so much for seems like A LOT OF ingredients, where do you make you're purchases from? different places?

All of the above is from Blckvapour, your recipe was very close only missing 1 or 2 flavours. This is from the "Leaked" Cuttwood recipe. If you want the original recipe just remove the Strawberry Ripe (I have a problem with this concentrate - I can't keep enough) and up the CAP Sweet Strawberry to 8.5% and you have the original recipe - 7 concentrates.

Good luck with your UM and Bronuts clones, done right you will throughly enjoy them. I can't stress enough that you need to steep the UM for a minimum of 2 weeks. That CAP Vanilla Custard needs time to "meld" with the other flavours.
All of the above is from Blckvapour, your recipe was very close only missing 1 or 2 flavours. This is from the "Leaked" Cuttwood recipe. If you want the original recipe just remove the Strawberry Ripe (I have a problem with this concentrate - I can't keep enough) and up the CAP Sweet Strawberry to 8.5% and you have the original recipe - 7 concentrates.

Good luck with your UM and Bronuts clones, done right you will throughly enjoy them. I can't stress enough that you need to steep the UM for a minimum of 2 weeks. That CAP Vanilla Custard needs time to "meld" with the other flavours.

I hear you buddy loud and clear @Greyz