Show us your Builds - Kayfun, Russians & Similar

Unboxed my Kayfun 3.1 Clone properly this afternoon, and saw there's some pre coiled wicks in there. Should have checked properly from the beginning :)

Anyways, put the first one in the Kayfun, 3.7Ohm. After some uncoiling and snipping (its damn ugly but it works) I got it down to 1.9Ohm. Popped it on the BEC Pro, and holy vapes. The flavour is fantastic. I can taste the strawberry right on the tip of my tongue with every drag.



Awesome, BTW I only use ugly (spaced) coils on my device, but only more than half your resistance.
I'm so glad that you're loving your new Kayfun @LandyMan :)

The more you play with it the easier it becomes, try wrapping the wire directly around the screws on the top instead of using the holes on the side. It's a bit fiddley in the beginning but works great.
KFLP V2 (modified microcoil)

Wire: 26AWG kanthal
Warps: 10 (spaced out more or less equal)
ID: 1.3mm
OHM's: 1.05


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Try #2:
28 AWG Kanthal A1
2mm ID
8 wraps (using a King Vape coil Jig)
According to coil toy should come to 1.16 ohm. Don't have another RTA/RBA to plug it into ... will need to get one to test coils with. When Kayfun is empty, I will see how close I got :)

Well done @LandyMan
I actually envy you
I remember that feeling of excitement!
Go for it and let us know how the new coil goes. It looks super
Thanks @Silver.
LOL, will definitely post results here. I guess I can put the coil on a multimeter, but due to extra length on the tips, I won't get a true reading :(

If its 28g, my prediction is that coil will be 1.4 ohms when installed in the tank
Let us know
Here is the coil I always use in my kayfuns
Twisted 32g 6-7 wraps 1.4-1.6ohm


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I screwed up something when I refilled the tank the second time. Whenever I turn it sideways now, the liquid pours out the airhole and the airhole screw. Not sure what I did wrong this time, first time I didn't have the issue.
I dont use silica. I use organic cotton

But i recall @Andre once posting a post explaining an easier way to get the silica into a pre-built coil
He ties some cotton on the silica and then pulls the cotton through the coil and the silica doubles over and the double piece is pulled theough the coil. Then you just cut it once its in. You will then have a double piece in your coil.
I have never tried this myself. Will see if I can find that post and picture from Andre
I dont use silica. I use organic cotton

But i recall @Andre once posting a post explaining an easier way to get the silica into a pre-built coil
He ties some cotton on the silica and then pulls the cotton through the coil and the silica doubles over and the double piece is pulled theough the coil. Then you just cut it once its in. You will then have a double piece in your coil.
I have never tried this myself. Will see if I can find that post and picture from Andre

Use dental floss. In the pic below I used wire, but dental floss works better. Unwind your silica so you have the desired thickness when doubled. Steady your coil with a finger as you pull through.



Jip :( Bloodye ***** to get it through there

You can also do it the "ugly" but easy way: Fold your ekowool a couple of times, then wrap a tight spaced/ugly coil onto the folded ekowool, cut excess ekowool. @RevnLucky posted something like this way back.
Use floss. Make a loop. Push the two ends together through the coil, then put the wick through the loop and pull it through the coil. Simple. ;)
Just like the wire one above, but floss works better as it folds to the environment. The wire can sometimes make it a bit more difficult. For large ID coils, the wire will work fine, but I found that for smaller ID coils, floss works better.
Cotton, is much more newbie friendly IMHO, You just, tear, roll, feed, chop off the excess, fluff it, put your chimney on, and then tuck it.