Introduce Yourselves:

Good day All, my name is Chantelle de Wit

I got into vaping in a not so common way
I was booked into hospital last year October and was diagnosed with Anxiety and Major Depressive Disorder with the possibility of developing a personality disorder such as Bipolar

While I was in hospital I picked up the habbit of smoking as the nicotine increased my dopamine levels which made me feel more grounded

Once I left hospital I continued to smoke, but my Boyfriend was unhappy about it, so I made a compromise
I told him that if he got me a vape for Christmas I would quit smoking and I would then only vape.

I can officially say that since I got my vape I have not touched a cigarette

I have had two mods, I started with an eleaf istick pico mega and have now moved onto a Smoke Alien 220w Mod

I am a very happy Vaper and I have converted many smokers into vapers.

And that's my story on my vaping Journey

Welcome @Chan-Telly and thanks for the intro
Glad to hear that the vaping is working out nicely for you.
Wishing you all the best from here and enjoy your stay!
Hi guys.

So as with most I am fairly new to vaping. Been vaping for around 2 months now, initially started to quit smoking and successfully did about 2 weeks ago. From 40 stinkies a day to 30ml a day sounds like a fair trade of. I have a ijusts, just sold my kangertech mini and recently bought a RX2/3 with a gemini. But still prefer the simplicity of the ijust for daily use. Love biscuits, custards and those type of juices

Only recently learned about the forum and hope to learn even more and hopefully at some stage in the future contribute in some way.
@Cornelius ,@Tanja ,@mza786 ,@AndreH ,and all new recruits welcome! You will quickly find the forum is a great addiction to substitute the cigs. I know I need my daily"forum fix"or it feels like I'm missing something.You'll learn all the vape magic and make some friends along the way.Have fun!
Hi my name's Kyle, from Joburg, been vaping for about 2 years. Started off with the subvod to stay of the stinkies, and since then been through a few mods and atomizers! Loved the vaping experience to such an extent it prompted me to now start my own online store with my good mate @Cruzz_33 :aplastao:

Hello @KyleSociety and welcome to the forum. What is the name of your online store?

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Good day all My name is Roddy and I am from Scottburgh, I love vaping, tattoos and Gaming.
Those are three awesome hobbies to love @Roddy !

Welcome to the forum! What kit are you using or favouring?
Welcome @Chan-Telly and thanks for the intro
Glad to hear that the vaping is working out nicely for you.
Wishing you all the best from here and enjoy your stay!
Hi, my name is Christopher Coetzee. Im from the Freestate originally but live now in Randburg and work in Sandton. Ive struggled most of my life to quit smoking and my technical supervisor introduced me to the vape world. I started using the joytech ego aio and it worked great for a few months till i seeked better. I currently use an eleaf istick power 80w mod and serpent mini 25mm tank. I build my own coils and make my own juice now. I havent touched a cigarette since i started vaping, this is going about 6 months now
Hi, my name is Christopher Coetzee. Im from the Freestate originally but live now in Randburg and work in Sandton. Ive struggled most of my life to quit smoking and my technical supervisor introduced me to the vape world. I started using the joytech ego aio and it worked great for a few months till i seeked better. I currently use an eleaf istick power 80w mod and serpent mini 25mm tank. I build my own coils and make my own juice now. I havent touched a cigarette since i started vaping, this is going about 6 months now

Welcome to the forum @Goldfish619
Congrats on the 6 months of no smoking. Great achievement
All the best from here on
Enjoy your stay!

PS - if you free on Sat 1 April, there is a great ECIGSSA JHB vape meet taking place in Sandton. Feel free to join. Check out this thread:
WOW! So much new forum members, most seem to have been vaping for quite a while already.
Welcome to all, not going to try and name all.
You all are now part of, according to me, one of the best and most active forums in SA. ROUGHLY 1000 new posts weekly.
You are sure to learn SOMETHING new around here. If you ask questions you are sure to get a response from one of the veteran vapers.
Enjoy your stay and congrats on making the choice that is vaping.
Wow - I have been vaping for more than 7 years. I had to go check on ECF to find my start date. (13 Dec 2009)

I started sub -ohm vaping on Friday the 13th. (13 Jan 2017)
Wow - I have been vaping for more than 7 years. I had to go check on ECF to find my start date. (13 Dec 2009)

I started sub -ohm vaping on Friday the 13th. (13 Jan 2017)

Welcome to the forum @Arno Nomdo
Wow, 7 years is ancient in vaping time!
Congrats and looking forward to hearing more about your vaping adventures
Hi, my name is Christopher Coetzee. Im from the Freestate originally but live now in Randburg and work in Sandton. Ive struggled most of my life to quit smoking and my technical supervisor introduced me to the vape world. I started using the joytech ego aio and it worked great for a few months till i seeked better. I currently use an eleaf istick power 80w mod and serpent mini 25mm tank. I build my own coils and make my own juice now. I havent touched a cigarette since i started vaping, this is going about 6 months now

Hello @Goldfish619 and welcome to the forum. The SM25 is an awesome tank and one of my personal favorites
Wow - I have been vaping for more than 7 years. I had to go check on ECF to find my start date. (13 Dec 2009)

I started sub -ohm vaping on Friday the 13th. (13 Jan 2017)

That's awesome bud... We started around the same time
Hi I am TheLegend27, been vaping for over a year now with a few cigs here and there.
Joined to discuss juice reviews on the site and give my opinion on things.
Hope to be an active member and support the vape community.
Hi I am TheLegend27, been vaping for over a year now with a few cigs here and there.
Joined to discuss juice reviews on the site and give my opinion on things.
Hope to be an active member and support the vape community.

Welcome to the forum @TheLegend27
Congrats on the vaping.
All the best and enjoy your stay. We have a great place here.

By the way, I see you are from Gauteng.
We are having a super ECIGSSA JHB Vape Meet on Sat 1 April 2017 at NewsCafe Sandton. Starts at 11.
If you want to be active and support the community, come along and meet a lot of us there.

Here is the thread with all the details: