Good day All, my name is Chantelle de Wit
I got into vaping in a not so common way
I was booked into hospital last year October and was diagnosed with Anxiety and Major Depressive Disorder with the possibility of developing a personality disorder such as Bipolar
While I was in hospital I picked up the habbit of smoking as the nicotine increased my dopamine levels which made me feel more grounded
Once I left hospital I continued to smoke, but my Boyfriend was unhappy about it, so I made a compromise
I told him that if he got me a vape for Christmas I would quit smoking and I would then only vape.
I can officially say that since I got my vape I have not touched a cigarette
I have had two mods, I started with an eleaf istick pico mega and have now moved onto a Smoke Alien 220w Mod
I am a very happy Vaper and I have converted many smokers into vapers.
And that's my story on my vaping Journey
Welcome @Chan-Telly and thanks for the intro
Glad to hear that the vaping is working out nicely for you.
Wishing you all the best from here and enjoy your stay!