What's in your hand right now?


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Supporting Vendor
Fourways - JHB
I currently vape on Itaste SVD with protank 2. I also have evic but feel that the feel of the SVD is nicer to hold even though it doesn't have all the gadgetry. I also have put in 4500mah battery in the SVD so I suppose that also plays a roll on how much I enjoy it.

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I currently have the itaste vv with a protank mini (Strawberry flavour :p) its my first variable voltage and im hooked!!!!!
one of the older evics, dual voltage with a nice bigass battery in there and a kanger protank on top. all gifted to me by a very kind person. battery lasts me almost 2 days. so nice, so very nice. walked through spar vaping today and wasn't kicked out so i'll try it in more shopping centres
hehe, yea I also vape in most public places but I don't push it and try and keep really discrete, don't want to make a scene with the uneducated :p
I tend to forget that people are still so uneducated as you put it Gizmo and Vape in most places completely unaware - nobody has said anything so far so all is good :) and if they do I still have my greensmoke card which I got with the first kit I bought in my purse so im sure ill be fine :p
might be time to push the envelope a little to see what peoples reaction is. had a nice convo with a petrol attendant this morning about vaping
I'm currently have my evic with trident clone runing (1.3ohms) and bolt clone with RSST pre-drilled 1.2mm ( thanks to SkyBlueVaping) running at 1.1 ohms sitting at work puffing away.. until the director walks on by and says arnt you supose to be doing that in the basement. bt hes cool with it :D
Gizmo, yes, the trident clone is rebuildable. Quite a decent piece work. Silver with gold trimmings if I'm thinking of the right unit.
As for what is in my hand now...
Well it's a K100 Empire, with smok rsst. Rsst i got from skyblue, the k100 i bought 2nd hand.
The rsst is filled with Oupa's VM4

Got an svd in the background with protank 1. Filled with greenwave ry4

I really need to lay of the ry4/vm4 before it starts to loose it's magic.
Very nice, how does that atomizer preform compared to the ProTank 2?
Very nice, how does that atomizer preform compared to the ProTank 2?
The RSST is vastly better. It took me a while to get it right. It has a bit of a learning curve. Not quite as easy as simply replacing a coil. It also has some drawbacks. for instance, it is not crazy about being on it's side. some minor leaking may occur.
Taste.. tons better than any of the PT tanks.
vape... well that depends on the coil. At present I have it set as 1.2 ohm, and run from protected panasonic battery. It produces fairly thick clouds on a fresh battery. I've got some AW IMR batteries inbound from the states that can handle 10Amps. Might try a 1 ohm coil then. Will not likely go below 1 ohm.
Some others I have, or will soon have.
Ithaka Clone - (Waiting for ready-made wires.)
SMOK Scar dripping atty (in post)
Rocket (Kayfun clone) (in post)
So the lower resistant coils are better for flavor?
So the lower resistant coils are better for flavor?
No, more for throat hit. The lower the resistance, the more vapour is produced. This in turn, produce a solid hit, and deliver a lot of nicotine.
The chemicals in Flavours used in e-juice has a flash point of around 250 - 300 degrees. If you coil gets hotter than this, it can destroy the flavour. But sometimes that it okey. Take Oupa's VM4. It's like being round-house kicked in the face by caramel goodness. So losing some flavour with that, still tastes like a lot of caramel & vanilla goodness. But take something with weak flavour, and you will taste nothing. Basically just get a nice throat hit, with little to no taste.
Melinda & Derik might still have some RSST's I hope. Grab one, and give it a try.
ive got a kanger protank mounted to a egot 1300mah battery, vaping some vanilla with a hint of menthol.
I got my private v2 with trident clone built to .7ohm dual micro coil with some raspberry juice

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No ways lol even the slightest pull and you blow clouds.my evods and gsh2 is for the office;)

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I got them for sale will update my subforum soon

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What are they like compared to say EVOD
They are very similar the h2 is also very nice

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a freshly cleaned and burned evod tank and 1000mah ego-t passthru
1.8mg Dragon Juice Cherry(need to stock up on vg juices again,pg doesnt like me)