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  1. KimVapeDashian

    AK-47 Kamry 200W TC box mod

    Thanks Alex... I specifically had a laugh at the "battery vs battery" graphs... Sigeli designed the graphs! I find the branding on the side ugly... I actually don't like much about it....
  2. KimVapeDashian

    Avo 24 or Limitless RDTA?

    Thanks, you having tried both i will keep this i mind as i decide. Thanks man.
  3. KimVapeDashian

    Avo 24 or Limitless RDTA?

    I assume you guys have both, what makes it easier to wick (avo vs limitless) - from my reading, they seem similar in this area... I want to get an avo, thus this now confuses the decision a little. Thanks in advance...
  4. KimVapeDashian

    Two noob questions

    Thanks Man, I think that @Silver might have some insight for you - I got into vaping in the "sub-ohm" phase so I dont have much experience on EVODS. Tastes will always be subjective, I don't like many coffee vapes (taste like rubber to me)... but I am not saying this is the case at all
  5. KimVapeDashian

    Two noob questions

    To answer this a bit better, what is the PG/VG ratio of the juice... are you using it in a tank or dripper, if so, what coilbuild?
  6. KimVapeDashian

    Coil advice needed

    Awesome stuff :) We try to say things like "vapes great" over "smokes fine"... Smoke when vaping is when the batteries are venting :D
  7. KimVapeDashian

    Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

    Much thanks to Absa
  8. KimVapeDashian

    Dripbox fun

    I found it hard to disagree with you asking if something was factual or not :) /maybe a missclick :)
  9. KimVapeDashian

    Council of Vapor Tempest 200W

    I don't like the look of this mod at all... Rx as a 3 battery mod is still pretty today [ form + function = winner for me ] *this is my opinion*
  10. KimVapeDashian

    What Wattage Is Everyone Vaping At

    .45 dual kanthal claptons in a Griffin RTA (v1) on Vaporesso Tarot @ 100W
  11. KimVapeDashian

    Newbie and samsung 30Q batteries

    Hey @blackheart You are within your amp limit, (15A) Good on you for asking
  12. KimVapeDashian

    South Africa’s Health Department to crack down on e-cigarettes

    Well nicotine, comes from the tobacco plant. Not the same plant, but the same family - or something.
  13. KimVapeDashian

    Vaping while pregnant:Good or Bad ?

    I think that if someone is preggers, and about to bring a child into the world - they should not do either, for the love of their unborn. I dont agree that vaping is better than smoking, because there isn't enough evidence. My answer is - don't do either when pregnant.
  14. KimVapeDashian

    Vaping while pregnant:Good or Bad ?

    Arguing about nicotine addiction vs other drugs seems irrelevant on a forum where most of us don't have the willpower to resist nicotine. Shame on me... Shame shame shame! :P
  15. KimVapeDashian

    RX200S and battery wraps...

    I have cut down on vaping, quite a bit since initially switching to it... I find, that I can now get 2/3/4 days out of my RX on my current vaping habit... (.45 ohms | Griffinv1 | 60w - 80w | 7-10ml per day)
  16. KimVapeDashian

    E-cigarettes are exploding in people’s faces

    I run an unregulated DVD player. .05 ohms, netflix n' chill.
  17. KimVapeDashian

    AK47 200W TC Lipo battery box mod 4500 mah

    Anti-dry protection NEED THIS FOR MY JOKES.
  18. KimVapeDashian

    Taste bud phobia

    The Original Post was quite useless to begin with. To say it started on rails and then fell off, is giving it far too much credit.
  19. KimVapeDashian

    Taste bud phobia

    @Christos you are so right... @Pixstar PLEASE!
  20. KimVapeDashian

    Taste bud phobia

    I swear by this one - if you are interested. Minor headaches, and slight wheezing. No more colgate required though.