Thanks Alex...
I specifically had a laugh at the "battery vs battery" graphs...
Sigeli designed the graphs!
I find the branding on the side ugly... I actually don't like much about it....
I assume you guys have both, what makes it easier to wick (avo vs limitless) - from my reading, they seem similar in this area... I want to get an avo, thus this now confuses the decision a little. Thanks in advance...
Thanks Man,
I think that @Silver might have some insight for you - I got into vaping in the "sub-ohm" phase so I dont have much experience on EVODS.
Tastes will always be subjective, I don't like many coffee vapes (taste like rubber to me)... but I am not saying this is the case at all
I think that if someone is preggers, and about to bring a child into the world - they should not do either, for the love of their unborn. I dont agree that vaping is better than smoking, because there isn't enough evidence. My answer is - don't do either when pregnant.
Arguing about nicotine addiction vs other drugs seems irrelevant on a forum where most of us don't have the willpower to resist nicotine.
Shame on me... Shame shame shame! :P
I have cut down on vaping, quite a bit since initially switching to it...
I find, that I can now get 2/3/4 days out of my RX on my current vaping habit...
(.45 ohms | Griffinv1 | 60w - 80w | 7-10ml per day)