Some more progress on the project, somewhat small, but as Darwin would say, any progress is good progress.
While thinking about how to light up the leds on the front of the Nasty bar, I came across 7 segment displays and cross checked the vape with the datasheet of a 3461AS 4 digit display...
Probably not, even MTL is a struggle.
I turned a Vapengin Mars 2 into a MTL squonker, but even my thinnest kanthal coil killed the onboard batt in 30min.
They're designed for 1amp, maybe 2 amps max.
Even though the mosfets are rated 12v 16A, its probably just safety margin.
The mesh they seem...
In other news, I got hold of 8 plus dispos and pulled them apart to see what was inside.
Turns out only the Nasty Bar 20000 puffs and BLVK bar 20000 have the PY32F030 ic inside.
Their circuit boards and layout are pretty similar with the only difference being the leds on the front.
Finally got most of the IC's pins mapped.
Fortunately the outer ring of 42 leds was fed by 1 transistor which was "gated" by a pin on the ic that I can now use as an input.
So next step would be to create a roadmap in english and then convert that to code which is uploaded to the ic.
Finally came across the tool chain that is used to develop on these ic's.
I need a Jlink debugger/programmer, alas I bought a cheap clone and the official drivers reject it as a clone.
Next is VS Code, ARM GNU toolchain and Make.
So... pretty...
Nothing exciting for a while.
At the moment Im tracing out all the leds that interest me, about 38 out of the 100 total.
The IC only has 30 input/output pins, so some Chinese magic is happening.
It seems to be only a 2 sided pcb thankfully and I use a dental pick tied to a lead on the DMM to...
Long story short, I had this idea to convert a Nasty Bar dispo vape into a wind speed meter.
At the moment Im using an Arduino Mega 2560, a 64x32 i2c display and 3 vape batteries, which seems a bit over the top for one input from the spinning cups.
So I pulled a dispo vape apart to see whats...