Search results

  1. ziti

    The Official Happy Birthday Thread

    Thanks!! @Dubz Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. ziti

    Vaponaute juice for sale

    Someone has dibs on it, and if they don't take it, it's your @Sprint. I'm in Florida.
  3. ziti

    Vaponaute juice for sale

    Hi there, I've got a bottle of Vaponaute On the Storm (30ml, 12mg), for sale or trade. Reason for sale: Not quite my taste. Age: Bought last week from Vape Cartel. 3, maybe 4 drops used to test. Price: R150.00 Trade for a similar premium liquid. Shipping at buyers expense, collection...
  4. ziti

    The Official Happy Birthday Thread

    Thanks!! @johan @free3dom @Andre Apologies for the late reply, was away the weekend. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. ziti

    Samsung 25r/Sony VTC4/5

    I paid R200 each for the Samsung 25R, so that pricing is awesome. The performance of the 25R is not that bad. Here is a comparison of the 25R, vtc4, vtc5, from ecf.
  6. ziti

    DIY - Your first time

    Great thread @Derick. Thanks for sharing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. ziti

    Quick shop

    Heavenly Vapours would be the closest. They are in Florida. Check out their web page for contact details or contact @Shako or @Riddle.
  8. ziti

    Travelling To Pta/jhb

    Lol, I just moved to Florida from Centurion. Haven't even been here a month, lol. At least I know where Hull street is. My name is Ziyaad. Yours?
  9. ziti

    Travelling To Pta/jhb

    I'm in Florida, and I see you're in Roodepoort? @shabbar. West side/rand vape meet on the cards?
  10. ziti

    Travelling To Pta/jhb

    Met @Adksuperman yesterday to collect up my LekkaVapors order. Had a quick chat as well..steeping, mods...nice. Thanks again @Adksuperman, and nice to meet you. :):clap: Oh and the, good stuff @Tristan! :clap::rock:
  11. ziti

    Introduce Yourselves:

    @Metal Liz, unfortunately not. It was sold already. I was disappointed...shattered actually. I needed to do something to change my situation, so I went to Vape King and bought one!! :O:-D:O Unfortunately not my preffered design, it's the petals energy edition, but hey it's an amazing device. I...
  12. ziti

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Thanks @Silver :)
  13. ziti

    Mvp For Sale

    Thanks @Andre. I've started that conversation. ;)
  14. ziti

    Mvp For Sale

    @Metal Liz , I couldn't agree with you more, you snooze you loose, lol. Having it by the weekend would be so sweet, :)
  15. ziti

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Thanks Guys!
  16. ziti

    Mvp For Sale

    I want it BillW. Think I've sent you a PM.
  17. ziti

    Hi Bill, I'd like to buy the mvp. Any idea on shiping costs, to Jhb or Centurion. Z

    Hi Bill, I'd like to buy the mvp. Any idea on shiping costs, to Jhb or Centurion. Z
  18. ziti

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Hi Everyone About a month of vaping for me thus far, so I'm still very fresh. As with some of the other forum members I've started with a Twisp, and so far so good. I stumbled upon this site doing a search for something twisp related and found an answer here. This is a great site, in fact...