24ga KA1 parallel build


Chain vaper
Can't find something recent and don't want to revive a thread from 1999.

I impulsively bought a roll of 24ga KA1. Thinking I'm just gonna throw a few wraps, stick it on a mech and enjoy.
Got home and ripped out an online coil calculator.
Nope. Apparently it was not going to work with 0.2ohm.[ 2 wraps]
Playing around on the coil calculator, I noticed a parallel function. Went to youtube and found mister riptripper showing a build.

After about 30 minutes I was ready to give it a go.
4 wraps later...

Ohmed out at 0.22ohms. Ooo happy days!
Ramp up is non-existent. Hits great! 4 second hit and you start tasting burnt juice.

Has anyone tried this method of coil building?
Anyone using this on a regular bases?

In a week I might try to do this in a vertical style, never done vertical yet. I also have 28ga [ I think] Ni80 [ I think ] wire, so might try a quad strand with 5 wraps.
@The vaper , why the disagree and no explanation? If he is wrong we need to help each other by sharing info please
On my learning journey I have done a number of parallel builds and also ventured into twisted which works very well with some RDA's and I have had good success with using 26 awg twisted and 3mm ID coils in the Dvarw clones.

Building was daunting to me at first, now I thoroughly enjoy it and have found practice makes perfect. I would recommend a tab to check the builds. My vape drawer has a number of single wire, clapton wire and lot's of variations that I am now confident to use.

Safety first always but don't stop. Just like a carpenter measures twice, do the same with your builds and check them twice.

Have fun.

Oh, and by the way, if you are using Steam engine as the coil calculator, your numbers are spot on.
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Next comment relates to batteries. On the same Steam engine calculator there is a section relating to batteries and how much head room (safety) you have depending on the battery used.

For example, you build would be safe with a 25 amp battery but not a 15 amp one.
Tried a 3*26ga parallel 5 wraps.
Was not much impressed.

Tried a 3*24ga twisted 4 wraps. IMG_20211023_155721.jpg
Impressed so far. Still want to vape a bit on it before I decide if I'm going back to the 2*24ga parallel.
It's all subjective, I was gifted some very nice 3 core claptons for my Recurve dual. Not too bad came out at .2 for the pair.

The heat that came off these things was horrific, on a hard hitting mech they would spit juice every where and sizzle forever.

Tried the same in a regulated mod where I could adjust the power and they were a different animal altogether. it does take some time to settle on what works well in what tank/rda/rta and I find myself building for different tanks all the time. I still get the best results in my Dvarw clones with a twisted 26 awg Cotton bacon comp wire. If I stuff something up or it is not to my liking I put it down to the learning curve and am thankful for the knowledge. You can only succeed if you are willing to fail.