All Day Vapes - New e-Juice Flavours

Awesome news. Will put in an order later

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Thanks @YeOldeOke, I'll place order tomorrow as my slave salary only clears at midnight.

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Thank you, order placed.
A bit suspect on the chilled pineapple as I hated menthol cigarettes but the way @Silver has raved about menthol, thought I'd give it a bash.

Thanks. Yea, I think menthol is one of those things that there seems to be very little middle ground, you either hate it or love it. Let us know how you find it.
Hey, how long will it take to have the items sent to Cape Town? I'm going to put juicy Joes address down for the delivery address. We currently moving work offices this week and I'll be closer to juicy Joes. I have arranged with them already. Will place order in the morning

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@Tockit If you place the order tomorrow am it may go out in the pm then you should get it Wed am. I say it may, as we do it as quickly as possible but we ask for an extra day. So it will at the latest go out Wednesday and you'll recieve it Thursday.
Awesome, thanks.

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Woop woop, Order was placed this morning. Thanks again for all the Help @YeOldOke...
Juices im waiting on are Crème Brûlée, Cocolime Yogurt, Mocha Yogurt , Chilled Pineapple. Cant wait to try them out on my new setup.
Woop woop, Order was placed this morning. Thanks again for all the Help @YeOldOke...
Juices im waiting on are Crème Brûlée, Cocolime Yogurt, Mocha Yogurt , Chilled Pineapple. Cant wait to try them out on my new setup.
@Tockit We were trying to get this morning's juice orders out by this afternoon, we mostly manage that, but not today I'm afraid. So they'll go out tomorrow and you'll have them in CT Thursday am.

The Chilled Pineapple - our menthol is medium as standard and your note mentions very light, so I think I will back it off a tad for you?
@Tockit The 'not singe my throat' confused me tied with the 'very light'. Medium won't singe your throat, I think. But I see you ordered 2mg, so maybe light will be better for you.
@Tockit The 'not singe my throat' confused me tied with the 'very light'. Medium won't singe your throat, I think. But I see you ordered 2mg, so maybe light will be better for you.

No problem with the delivery day. Sorry for the confusion but ill trust your judgement on it and we'll see how it goes.
Wish the damn courier would hurry up, got pineapple, parfait, Panacotta and brûlée coming. I'm like a kid before Christmas, doubt they're gonna get much steeping time :-D:-D
@Strontium That order should have been delivered yesterday am. We are checking why it hasn't been delivered yet. My apologies.
@YeOldeOke no worries, not your fault, courier probably couldn't penetrate the "Boerewors curtain" surrounding Boksburg lol

:D Now you're making me hungry. I can smell the smoke and boerewors. Ish.

They are looking into it. Will let you know as soon as we hear anything. I'd expect it to be delivered today.