Aramomizer 4ml RTA leaks when sideways


Elite Vaper
Waterfall, KZN (Durban)
My beloved Aramomizer 4ml RTA, or RDTA, I still don't know why it's called an RDTA, leaks out of the airflow holes when the unit is placed in its side -- while the mod is charging.

What a pity? I loved it so much. I have done everything right for over 2 months. I will still use it, but it's a little disappointing.

Any one else had a similar problem with theirs?

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Mine only does that if I havent closed the airholes and if you havent wicked properly. Mine is often sideways in my vapebag and no leaks.
Yip, this always happens with my Aromamizers. don't lay them sideways with airflow open.

But to to verify, you have an Aromamizer from Steam Crave ?

How did you get a 4ml ?
Yep, my only gripe with this tank. Doesnt matter how well you wick it,by design it will leak at least a bit from air holes when on its side. Closing the airflow helps. The new Supreme should sort this out with built in juice flow and airflow control. Best flavour and vertical build tank out there, closest thing to a dripper.
Never put the tank on it's side. Unscrew it from the mod when u need to charge. U can leave the tank upside down (the wideness of drip tip will keep it from toppling over) or screw it onto another mod while your main mod charges. Oh, and it's called "RDTA" because it is a Rebuildable Dripper Tank Atomizer". Hope this sorts u out :)
Oh yes, before placing the tank upside down, clean out the chimney with some tissue paper because after vaping for a while, small amounts of condensed juice builds up in there and will ooze out...
How are you guys building the coils ? I do contact verticals @ 5 to 7 wraps, put in the cotton and make sure the tail that feeds from the channels are nice and fluffy. Make sure it is just long enough to cover the juice channels as if you use too much it will not wick properly and lead to dry hits. Also make sure you don't use too little as this will cause leaking.

Soon as you get this right, the tank can be left on it side with easy and not have any leaking. I can go about 4 to 5 days before the wick starts compacting too much due to use and will get a tiny bit of leaking but only moisture, not juice flowing out the airholes. When this happens I know it is time to rewick and go another week.

The trick is to find that spot where your wick
Wicking. If your cotton isn't covering the juice feeding holes properly then she leaks. Lost two tanks worth of juice that way until i got it right
Yip, this always happens with my Aromamizers. don't lay them sideways with airflow open.

But to to verify, you have an Aromamizer from Steam Crave ?

How did you get a 4ml ?
Yip. It's by Steam crave. Original. Sorry. By 4ml I mean the small tank. I got the dimensions wrong.

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Thanks guys, for the informative responses. I will try the tips as proposed. My first step is to close the rubber airflow ring so that the holes are relatively sealed while I ride to the office. Then to build a denser cotton wick. Because this only started happening after my last wick change which I made less dense. I have no problems with the coil build: 26 Canth, 7 wrap, 2.75mm, 4.8 Ohm.

Ok, so I won't toss the Aromamiser one side. It deserves a chance in the arsenal.

A clear case of Human error.

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@Waine no worries at all, we all get atleast one tank that fights back per month :p I wouldn't say go denser, just make sure that the tail covering the juice holes is nice and fluffy and that you don't compress it when you tuck it in there. I don't use a lot of cotton either, it just needs to sit well so that you can feed it through the coil without too much effort, but also not so loose that it almost "falls" through when pressure is applied.

It might take a few tries to find that spot, but once you do this thing chucks good clouds whilst giving nice flavour :)