Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

OOOh!!! Is that made from wood?

And a Boba Fett keyring is totally wicked, well played Darth Fisher.

No it looks like the body is acrylic or resin... so impressed with it do far...

I have a few Star Wars and Star Trek Key rings... not sure what I will do with them but when I spot them on Fasttech I can't help myself.
No it looks like the body is acrylic or resin... so impressed with it do far...

I have a few Star Wars and Star Trek Key rings... not sure what I will do with them but when I spot them on Fasttech I can't help myself.
I can relate, have so much Star Wars stuff its ridiculous. Sadly my Trekkie collection is almost non-existent though.

Trying to watch Star Trek The Next Generation at the moment, but Picard is weird and the 80s hair is too distracting. But I loved Enterprise with Captain Archer. That was too cool!
Finally got my stuff from Fasttech!! One month later and then I ordered 5 glass replacements for my iJoy Tornado that I don't have anymore....

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Finally got my stuff from Fasttech!! One month later and then I ordered 5 glass replacements for my iJoy Tornado that I don't have anymore....

May I ask where you got the Spare glass from for the tornado ? I have the tornado, not the nano, but no spare glass and I am very afraid of murphy and his ways.
Only problem tho.... opened the sealed rx and found it had nasty long scratch on top and screws look someone tried to open them... taking back to @Sir Vape just now so they can swop it out for me
I know was so amped to test her out this morning... saw issues and put straight back into box

Check the juice in sunlight when you have it in a tank, purple sheen. Looks too good to vape, but it didn't stop me :D

Also the inbuilt charger on the 150 is quite good actually. Just need to see if I can find the key combo to show voltage of the batteries.

Loving the mod however :D
Noticed the purple sheen I'm sure it's the reflection of the device in the sunlight.

Looks awesome though
Vape Mail....
Recived our order today from the Trinity Tank Group buy so im sure you will see a few Trinity Caps poping up here over the coming days.
These are really beautiful pieces.
Noticed the purple sheen I'm sure it's the reflection of the device in the sunlight.

Looks awesome though
I noticed this with my DIY juices aswell, it is the Grape concentrate that gives off the purple sheen:O