Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!



Yip, that fits like a glove - beautiful.


Was a painful weekend having to sit and wait for today to roll around.

I'll behave today and save @johan the nappy rash. :D

First off.

My monster drip tip for my "gentleman" vaper.


And secondly.....

Kazumi now has a brother!
Woody is going to fit in perfectly with his new sibling!

Thanks @Cape vaping supplies
Its just as beautiful as I imagined!

Even though i agree that 2 would be amazing, i am very happy only having Amy Lee, 3 batteries and 4 closed replacement bottles (compliments of our very own amazing @Andre) to carry with me in my daily little kit for replacement flavours :blush:
I know you will love it Stroods! I have just rewicked Maria with Rayon because she is coming with to the fishing compo! Maria, Erica and Avril will be going saam! ;-)
I am enjoying it. Struggled a bit with the build but I got it right eventually...
A BIG shout out to @RevnLucky7 at Subohm! I placed an order for the Seattle Vapor liquid and threw a new Aerotank Mega in with it. But purely could not wait any longer! Sitting here like a kid with a nappy rash! So i paid the extra for the shipping and it arrived!!!!!! I would like to explain how amazing this thing sits, feels and vapes ontop of my Itaste SVD.


and......drum roll please.......


Here she is! My hand is now complete!....no not that hand! The other one :giggle:


While I am at it. I would like to thank RevnLucky7 for putting up with all my messages and nagging! You sir are a true gentleman 8--)
On a very side note if anyone has this setup....What voltage and wattage are you vaping on with the 2 ohm coil?
And Voltage?
You do not need voltage. Once you set the wattage, the voltage is automatically adjusted to the resistance of your atomizer to give you the set wattage. Like driving an automatic car. Play around with the wattage to find your sweet spot.
You do not need voltage. Once you set the wattage, the voltage is automatically adjusted to the resistance of your atomizer to give you the set wattage. Like driving an automatic car. Play around with the wattage to find your sweet spot.

I honestly did not know this! Thank you! I learn something new everyday!

Sir as in a Gentleman and a Scholar! :-D :--P
Vape Mail Baby!!

@RevnLucky7 - Love the personalised message on the parcel. Thanks.


Some 28g Kanthal


And my first set of premium juices other than 5 Pawns.

1 x Witchers Brew - Level 1 Elixer
1 x Vape Orenda - Whirling Dervish


Thanks Rev for the awesome service!

Now to finalise plans for sub ohm's competition!
Vape Mail Baby!!

@RevnLucky7 - Love the personalised message on the parcel. Thanks.


Some 28g Kanthal


And my first set of premium juices other than 5 Pawns.

1 x Witchers Brew - Level 1 Elixer
1 x Vape Orenda - Whirling Dervish


Thanks Rev for the awesome service!

Now to finalise plans for sub ohm's competition!

I'm so jelouse...