Calling all DIY'ers

@Rude Rudi let us know how she turns, intrigued how the FA Catalan Cream will feature.

I personally find it very strong and looking at the recipe with regards to my personal tastes think it may drown out the subtle vanilla...?

Edit: think I might just mix this up aswell

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The first rule of DIY has now also been modified by the Enyawreklaw Addendum, which states that the one ingredient you don't have will also be out of stock at the vendors, due to global sales pressure from Wayne releasing a new recipe. Inw Milk Chocolate, anyone?
The first rule of DIY has now also been modified by the Enyawreklaw Addendum, which states that the one ingredient you don't have will also be out of stock at the vendors, due to global sales pressure from Wayne releasing a new recipe. Inw Milk Chocolate, anyone?
BLCKVapour has stock

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Hi All,

Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. Me, not so much.

Firstly, I popped open some of my DYI bronuts on Saturday(given it has only been steeping for a week and two days but just couldn't wait to try it) and I had the weirdest experience. I built and wicked the baby beast and threw some bronuts in and after a few pulls I was in heaven. Tasted all the notes I was expecting, cakey, biscuity, doughnuty goodness...BUT, after about a tank I started getting a very harsh throat hit. Just a very strong agitation on the back of my throat on the exhale. I didn't know what to make of it, maybe I didn't shake the nicotine enough or something funny is happening.

I then thought, ok, it might be my build and wiking (wasn't convinced it was that as I am fairly confident in the rebuilding) none-the-less, I took out the Nano and built and wicked on there as I know exactly how to hit that sweet spot each and every time. Built, filled and started vaping...SAME THING, started out awesome and after a while the same harsh hit on the throat.

Can some one please provide me with some explanation as to why this is happening?

AND to top it all off, I must have forgotten to close my new bottle of frozen and 3/4's of it fell out in the car..AAAARRRRGGGGGHHH.

I need to see some light at the end of this tunnel, but at least on the positive side the mustard milk I mixed tasted so crap when I tasted it (also 4 days before the two week steep period) has really turned out nice on exactly the two week mark, so YEAY for that at least.

@Greyz and other mixers...
Hi All,

Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. Me, not so much.

Firstly, I popped open some of my DYI bronuts on Saturday(given it has only been steeping for a week and two days but just couldn't wait to try it) and I had the weirdest experience. I built and wicked the baby beast and threw some bronuts in and after a few pulls I was in heaven. Tasted all the notes I was expecting, cakey, biscuity, doughnuty goodness...BUT, after about a tank I started getting a very harsh throat hit. Just a very strong agitation on the back of my throat on the exhale. I didn't know what to make of it, maybe I didn't shake the nicotine enough or something funny is happening.

I then thought, ok, it might be my build and wiking (wasn't convinced it was that as I am fairly confident in the rebuilding) none-the-less, I took out the Nano and built and wicked on there as I know exactly how to hit that sweet spot each and every time. Built, filled and started vaping...SAME THING, started out awesome and after a while the same harsh hit on the throat.

Can some one please provide me with some explanation as to why this is happening?

AND to top it all off, I must have forgotten to close my new bottle of frozen and 3/4's of it fell out in the car..AAAARRRRGGGGGHHH.

I need to see some light at the end of this tunnel, but at least on the positive side the mustard milk I mixed tasted so crap when I tasted it (also 4 days before the two week steep period) has really turned out nice on exactly the two week mark, so YEAY for that at least.

@Greyz and other mixers...

What Nic are you using @Imtiaaz? I prefer VG based nic, I find I get a scratchy throat when using PG based nic.

Funny how you mention Bronuts and nic burn because I just mixed up some Bronuts 2 weeks ago and gave it to @Nico_gti yesterday. He's also getting some harsh throat hit but that's because I mistakenly used PG based nic at 1.251grams (bottle was labelled as VG but was actually PG) instead of VG, which resulted in that bottles nic level being closer to 4mg than the 3mg I intended it to be.
What Nic are you using @Imtiaaz? I prefer VG based nic, I find I get a scratchy throat when using PG based nic.

Funny how you mention Bronuts and nic burn because I just mixed up some Bronuts 2 weeks ago and gave it to @Nico_gti yesterday. He's also getting some harsh throat hit but that's because I mistakenly used PG based nic at 1.251grams (bottle was labelled as VG but was actually PG) instead of VG, which resulted in that bottles nic level being closer to 4mg than the 3mg I intended it to be.

Hey @Greyz, well I ordered the 100% VG prime-nic nicotine base and I'm assuming it is VG based. I used the same nic in my mustard milk recipe and it is really smooth compared to the bronuts. I'm so confused, and I mixed up like 150 mils of the stuff so would be really sad if it all tasted like this because it is borderline un-vapable:(. Would it ever mellow out with more steep time?
Hey @Greyz, well I ordered the 100% VG prime-nic nicotine base and I'm assuming it is VG based. I used the same nic in my mustard milk recipe and it is really smooth compared to the bronuts. I'm so confused, and I mixed up like 150 mils of the stuff so would be really sad if it all tasted like this because it is borderline un-vapable:(. Would it ever mellow out with more steep time?
I have the same problem with bronuts. Tried both vg and pg base nic with no difference in TH.

Love the flavour but can't stand the TH.

My guess/opinion is it's the CAP Choc doughnut responsible for the TH as I have tried it in other recipes with the same result.

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I haven't had any problem with Bronuts. But then, I haven't had any problems with any nic nor with harsh throat hit/nosebleeds/heartburn/sinus trouble from any flavours. The only problem I've had in DIY is some perfumey flavours giving me a mild but temporary headache and/or stomach ache when I vape them. It goes away quickly if I stop vaping it, though.
I haven't had any problem with Bronuts. But then, I haven't had any problems with any nic nor with harsh throat hit/nosebleeds/heartburn/sinus trouble from any flavours. The only problem I've had in DIY is some perfumey flavours giving me a mild but temporary headache and/or stomach ache when I vape them. It goes away quickly if I stop vaping it, though.

At least I'm not the only one that experienced this as @Dane also seems to have gotten that TH, and it is pretty unbearable. I think I did a 30 second shake of the NIC bottle and heard you should actually shake it much longer. Does that have anything to do with anything?
It might. It is possible that you had a hot spot in the nic bottle and thus added more nic than you can comfortably vape. Probably the best would be to make up a zero nic 10ml sample bottle of Bronuts. If you're still getting the throat hit then it's one of the flavours that disagrees with you.

If you used that nic to make other juices during the same session and those juices are fine, it's unlikely to be the nic. Or if you shake the nic the same way every time and haven't had problems with other juices. 30 seconds sounds fine to me, I don't even shake that long and I've never had problems. And that's with R130 nic, I've never bought the R180 prime.

Edit: oh wait, you're using VG nic. 30 seconds might be too short a shake for that. Anyhow, try the zero nic and see if that fixes it.
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It might. It is possible that you had a hot spot in the nic bottle and thus added more nic than you can comfortably vape. Probably the best would be to make up a zero nic 10ml sample bottle of Bronuts. If you're still getting the throat hit then it's one of the flavours that disagrees with you.

If you used that nic to make other juices during the same session and those juices are fine, it's unlikely to be the nic. Or if you shake the nic the same way every time and haven't had problems with other juices. 30 seconds sounds fine to me, I don't even shake that long and I've never had problems. And that's with R130 nic, I've never bought the R180 prime.

Thanks @RichJB, what an awesome Idea to mix up some Zero nic Bronuts, great way to see if its the Nic or not. Appreciate it bud.
I also recently made the Bronuts but without the Joy as i could not get and its perfect and smooth no harshness. Just gunks up a coil quick but still no harsh taste etc.
My nic is insanely harsh as well. Pg based but I discovered that when a recipe had EM in it smothed it out for me.

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