Cloudworx Introduction


Dedicated Vaper
Hi and Good Day to all.

I would like to begin by expressing my sheer gratitude and excitement on becoming a registered vendor/juice maker with Ecigssa.

This forum has been very dear to me with regards to making new friends, constantly learning new things and developing my skills as a juice maker and vaper as a whole.

I have been mixing juice for just over 3 years and I have been very shy of sharing my Eliquids to the public as I always felt that my juices were Sub-par or otherwise, and so I kept my knowledge and skills undercover.

A year ago I had entered the DIY juice making competition at Vapecon in an attempt to test my own knowledge and experience against far superior individuals.
To my suprise, I had placed first and had gained a huge amount of confidence and support from the community.

In December 2018 I had decided to launch my brand and had no idea which way to go-how many bottles should I make, how should my labels be designed, how should I market my product and so on.

Being a dessert fanatic, I had decided to launch 2 dessert juices and proceeded later to release them in an MTL freebase rendition and the support had been phenomenal.

To my great relief, @Sir Vape stepped in and not only ordered my entire batch of stock, but also offered a HUGE amount of advice and mentoring.

Long story short, 7 months later, we are now stocked in 70+ stores and we are constantly growing.

Cloudworx Eliquid is proudly ISO7 approved and our juices are never launched or despatched until they have been fully inspected and tasted by myself and a handful of trusted colleagues, who are nothing short of fussy and being absolute perfectionists.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Ecigssa [USERGROUP=3]@Admins[/USERGROUP] for the opportunities which have been afforded to me, along with the support of all our vendors and consumers.
Without every single one of you, we would not be where we are today.

Thank you
Cloudworx Eliquids
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Awesome and we are very proud of you @BATMAN

Wishing you all the best being a supporting vendor here on the forum
Not only a chicken dinner, but with dessert too! @BATMAN It's so interesting hearing a little of how it all started and I'm sure this past year has been exciting, exhausting, stressful, exciting all over again - and a huge learning curve. Follow your heart - it sure is taking you places!!! :clap::clap::clap:
Met this legend @BATMAN at an ecigssa vape meet in Sandton at the news Cafe... All I can say is that his juice line is named after his ability to blow a thick dense Cumulus nimbus sizer of a cloud! Well up Mr Sarfaraaz! Well deserved!
Met this legend @BATMAN at an ecigssa vape meet in Sandton at the news Cafe... All I can say is that his juice line is named after his ability to blow a thick dense Cumulus nimbus sizer of a cloud! Well up Mr Sarfaraaz! Well deserved!
Thank you so much my brother.
Hope you're doing well and hope to meet you soon.
Not only a chicken dinner, but with dessert too! @BATMAN It's so interesting hearing a little of how it all started and I'm sure this past year has been exciting, exhausting, stressful, exciting all over again - and a huge learning curve. Follow your heart - it sure is taking you places!!! :clap::clap::clap:
Thank you so much for the kind words and advice @Hooked.
Hoping to make a good impression at vape con!