Coils and that stuff

Jean claude Vaaldamme

Elite Vaper
Ok so Im new, just got a vapoe the weekend and build my first coils. Sorry I dont know all the names and stuff for everything. Anyway, so after my first succesfull build Im running into some trouble. When I take the first drag, its good. But then after everything is heated up the next drag I can only drag for about a second then the smoke gets to hot.
My vape is a Moonbox. It does not have a screen or fancy settings, just a knob yur turn for watts? But after google it says that knob only change the volts. Anyway, I have that n the lowest setting.

So my logic tells me I must build coils that needs more power? Hehe told you I dont know the names of the things. I dont have an ohm meter and also my devise dont give it.

My build was I used a 2,5mm screwdriver for coil size. 8 turns with 24ga Ni80 wire(whatever that means). So what can I change so ut does not get that hot? I have moonshot rdta, and space is problem so cant build huge coils. It takes two coils
To get the vape colder you will have to increase the ohms. To do this you will have to add more turns(wraps) to your coils you can also increase the id(internal diameter) by using a 3mm screw driver. 3mm with 8wraps 24ga ni80 should give you 0.3 ohms that should draw +- 43 watts giving a bit of a colder vape
Thanks. Was a bit busy the last week or so, went to two shoips on Sat afternoon to buy batteries etc and none of them had any toolkits. Also ask one guy for ohm meter and he said its not neccesary, the device has protection. Mayeb not the best vendors?
This is a disaster looking for a place to happen. I hope that it was not a vendor that sold you that device. Please don't experiment. Meet up with somebody that has the equipment to help you build correct coils for that device, or better still, sell it and get a regulated mod
For someone that bought his first vape ever, i really hope you didnt buy the vape at a reputable vape shop cause they should know better than to sell a mechanical mod to a new vaper. So much can go wrong so quickly if you dont know what you are doing, Dont know your Ohm's law, Batteries etc.
Swap it device for regulated variable wattage one. This way u will have come control over the power that is being delivered to the coils and u won't need a ohms meter too.
If the vendor is not ready to swap use the classified section here on the forum.
Moonbox is not a Mech, it has a potentiometer. The wattage labelling is wrong but nevertheless, there is control over power. It also has safety protections.

While a nice and cheap starter kit and beater, I would agree that if a store sold you this, the person who assisted you as a first time buyer needs to be spoken to. I would very much take up @Salamander offer and at least learn the basics.
Ok its not all doom and gloom i bought the divice on recommendation from someone I talked to who knows a few things. I wanted something "powerfull" but without all fancy screens etc. He suggested a Sigelei moonbox. He is not a vendor So then I searched and found that Vapeking sells them.. I ordered it online so Vapeking did not give me bad advise or anything, I ordered it myself. Ot came with a moonshot rdta. I then googled how to build it and what I need Then I went to a shop or two near me to buy what I need. Did not have much time to discuss anything with them.

Ok so then I build my first coils with help of youtube. Dont know much about electronics, but know the basics of electricity(I have my own handyman/maintanace bussiness) so not complete idiot. So first build was fine worked till I wicked it and filled tank, then the device showed there is a short. Second build the same. Then a bit more google came to conclusion that the chimney is touching. Third build was was 100% so yes I know very little, but I like a challenge and if I break anything its my own fault
Thats why I asked for experienced guys for some tips here. Not on the dangers, but on the theory off the ohms
The Moonbox has a knob that shows 50-200w but after some google came to conclusion that its not watts but it only regulates the volts. And mr google suggest that to work the watts out will be an all new thread because that will depend on the volts, ohms of coils etc so at this stage I use it on the lowest setting 50w(?) Which is off course not 50w so Im just trying to build something that will obviously be cooler at the lowest setting and then I can adjust to taste
If you understand what I mean with all the whatcyoumacallits
Best would have been something like an iJust2. Up to 80w and nothing to adjust.

Danger that the guys are talking about it not about damaging your device but your face.
Ok its not all doom and gloom i bought the divice on recommendation from someone I talked to who knows a few things. I wanted something "powerfull" but without all fancy screens etc. He suggested a Sigelei moonbox. He is not a vendor So then I searched and found that Vapeking sells them.. I ordered it online so Vapeking did not give me bad advise or anything, I ordered it myself. Ot came with a moonshot rdta. I then googled how to build it and what I need Then I went to a shop or two near me to buy what I need. Did not have much time to discuss anything with them.

Ok so then I build my first coils with help of youtube. Dont know much about electronics, but know the basics of electricity(I have my own handyman/maintanace bussiness) so not complete idiot. So first build was fine worked till I wicked it and filled tank, then the device showed there is a short. Second build the same. Then a bit more google came to conclusion that the chimney is touching. Third build was was 100% so yes I know very little, but I like a challenge and if I break anything its my own fault
Thats why I asked for experienced guys for some tips here. Not on the dangers, but on the theory off the ohms
The Moonbox has a knob that shows 50-200w but after some google came to conclusion that its not watts but it only regulates the volts. And mr google suggest that to work the watts out will be an all new thread because that will depend on the volts, ohms of coils etc so at this stage I use it on the lowest setting 50w(?) Which is off course not 50w so Im just trying to build something that will obviously be cooler at the lowest setting and then I can adjust to taste
If you understand what I mean with all the whatcyoumacallits

Please don't take anyone the wrong way, nobody here is trying to scare you off or spread doom and gloom. It simply is about safety overall and more than that, your own personal safety.

We all started somewhere after all.

As stated before the mod has safety features and I have had it flash at me because of a short, so it should be safe.

The Moonshot tank on the other hand is a finnicky beast. It may be as simple as a wicking issue, so maybe take a pic with your build and share here?
Thanks bit busy tomorrow. I hate this vape juice/oil over my hands, so will see wednesday maybe if I have time to open it, then will take photo and maybe do another build with photo.

Hehe I bought something else at the spur of the moment today, but would rather not show that, before I hear doomsday reports
Thanks bit busy tomorrow. I hate this vape juice/oil over my hands, so will see wednesday maybe if I have time to open it, then will take photo and maybe do another build with photo.

Hehe I bought something else at the spur of the moment today, but would rather not show that, before I hear doomsday reports
OMG, not a Tube Mech!

Hi @Jean claude Vaaldamme

The main thing with safety when it comes to vaping and building your own coils is to make sure that you are not overstressing the battery.

If you overstress the battery its possible that it can vent (which is when it pushes out hot gasses at high speed) and this can be quite damaging and dangerous.

Its quite easy to build safely.

Just find out from the Mooch battery tables what is the continuous discharge rating (CDR) of the battery that you are using. This is in Amps. It means that is the amps the battery can push out continuously without getting overly stressed.
Then build your coils not to get too close to that CDR.

So, lets say the CDR is 20 amps. If you build a coil say that is 0.1 ohms. Then on a fresh battery (4.2V), it will be drawing 42 amps (I=V/R), which is WAY over the CDR of that battery and you may well run into problems. Its better to build with a margin of safety. So lets say your CDR is 20 amps, don't build below around 0.25 ohms. At 0.25 ohms, you would draw 16.8 amps which is fine.

Batteries seldom have CDRs above 20 amps. Some I think go as high as 25 amps. Use Mooch's tables because he tests these batteries and has been a reliable source of this info for a few years.

The above assumes a mechanical mod. But at the end of the day these principles apply to all mods and if you understand this principle it will stand you in good stead. And keep you safe.

The reason for building according to the CDR is in case the mod gets stuck in your pocket in an autofiring position and you don't know about it. It has to be able to fire for a long time without causing problems - for you to remain safe. Don't build for the higher pulse ratings that are advertised - unless you remove those batteries from the mod when not in use.

So bottom line - keep the resistance of your coil high enough to avoid problems...

It is good to get a separate ohm meter at some stage to test the resistance of your builds before using on a mod - you can use a regulated mod with a built in ohm meter too - but a dedicated ohm meter is a great thing to have if you are going to be building lots of coils.
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OMG, not a Tube Mech!

Hehe no not that bad. I dont know of any big vape shops. Like I said the two i visisted the weekend did not even have tools n stock. With building with what I had everything was ok, only real problem was cutting the legs of the coils short with my sidecutter. So for me that was the most urgent tool I needed, that little wire cutters. So today, while in the mall quickly buying something for a client, I see this vape stand selling a few divices and juice. Ask the girl if the have wire cutters? Just a toolkit, with wirecutters, ceramic tweezer, coil jig, some cotton and geuss what, an ohm meter. Even a nice carrybag Well I thought that covers about everything, prbably going to cost over 1k. Hehe R250. ☺so go home tonight and opened it. Cutter and tweezer seems good, but that ohm meter uses 2x AA batteries and looks straight out the cheapest fongkong dont know if Im going to get any accurate reading from it. At least I will be able to cut coil legs closer to the screws
Hehe no not that bad. I dont know of any big vape shops. Like I said the two i visisted the weekend did not even have tools n stock. With building with what I had everything was ok, only real problem was cutting the legs of the coils short with my sidecutter. So for me that was the most urgent tool I needed, that little wire cutters. So today, while in the mall quickly buying something for a client, I see this vape stand selling a few divices and juice. Ask the girl if the have wire cutters? Just a toolkit, with wirecutters, ceramic tweezer, coil jig, some cotton and geuss what, an ohm meter. Even a nice carrybag Well I thought that covers about everything, prbably going to cost over 1k. Hehe R250. ☺so go home tonight and opened it. Cutter and tweezer seems good, but that ohm meter uses 2x AA batteries and looks straight out the cheapest fongkong dont know if Im going to get any accurate reading from it. At least I will be able to cut coil legs closer to the screws
That Ohm meter is better than nothing. Ok, would not use it to build aircraft instrumentation but if you build with sufficient headroom, the two or three percent it may be out will be taken care of. It sounds the same as the one I started off with. About the size of a matchbox, just slightly bigger?

I think most of us use a regulated mod to build on. You are going to need a backup mod in any case so check the classifieds. There are some real bargains to be found there from time to time.

Stay safe and enjoy.
Anything that reads resistance should help you in your builds. At least you would have an idea when to run or not.
Also I wanted to buy me a nice decent mod bit was always shown to the starter mods.
The good thing is one of them is a kanherteck kbox and I use it as a ohm reader and a charger when out and about and it never let me down yet. I also carry it all over even to work.

But check out the forum there is an abundance of knowledge.
Don't play with DC especially if its packed in a full metal jacket. I'm pretty sure with your background you'll get sorted out quick,but take up @salamanders offer it will make things go quicker
Hehe no not that bad. I dont know of any big vape shops. Like I said the two i visisted the weekend did not even have tools n stock. With building with what I had everything was ok, only real problem was cutting the legs of the coils short with my sidecutter. So for me that was the most urgent tool I needed, that little wire cutters. So today, while in the mall quickly buying something for a client, I see this vape stand selling a few divices and juice. Ask the girl if the have wire cutters? Just a toolkit, with wirecutters, ceramic tweezer, coil jig, some cotton and geuss what, an ohm meter. Even a nice carrybag Well I thought that covers about everything, prbably going to cost over 1k. Hehe R250. so go home tonight and opened it. Cutter and tweezer seems good, but that ohm meter uses 2x AA batteries and looks straight out the cheapest fongkong dont know if Im going to get any accurate reading from it. At least I will be able to cut coil legs closer to the screws

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Thanks. Last thing. I bought a Golisi i20 charger yesterday, havent used it yet. Can I just chuck the batteries in tonight and take out tomorrow morning Or should I sleep with one eye open?
Thanks. Last thing. I bought a Golisi i20 charger yesterday, havent used it yet. Can I just chuck the batteries in tonight and take out tomorrow morning Or should I sleep with one eye open?
One eye open.

The chances of something going wrong are small but do exist. Rather not take chances. I unplug my chargers when not at home, asleep or not in use.

As Mooch explains, these cells are meant to be built into controlled power supplies for laptops and other consumer devices. They were not designed for the use we apply them for. There is in fact no such thing as absolutely safe in vaping, only safer options. It is up to us to eliminate as many potential pitfalls as possible.

Please watch his "Mint your mAh's" videos. There is one on charging as well. The link is in one of the posts above.

Rather not tempt fate.

It is dependent on a few factors. The tank you use, the wire, what watts you are vaping at, are you running a dual or single coil etc.

Generally, lower watts gives you colder vape, but the above mentioned factors still play a role.

I am currently running a single coil 0.2 ohm fused clapton ni80 3*26g wrapped in 40g ni80 @ 40w and I'd say my vape is medium in heat. When I vape iced juice I experience the ice as it should be and non-iced juice also tastes good. Running the same build in for example a Dvraw DL tank will give me a warm vape.

You need to find an equilibrium.

Thicker wire or wire which has more cores takes longer to heat up but once it's heated, it will give a warm vape when chain vaping but you can push up the watts more. Thinner wire heats up quicker but you will get dry hits if you chain vape. Like I said, it's dependent on your setup.

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