
If anyone is still interested in wire, I've got 27, 28 and 37 guages ni80 in big spools. I can despool them on smaller spools and sell them.
Man, I haven't built a coil in so many years since I started using the Dead Rabbit R Tank. I should really be getting into it again.
Man, I haven't built a coil in so many years since I started using the Dead Rabbit R Tank. I should really be getting into it again.
You really should @zadiac after vaping those pre-made coils you forget how delicious the flavour is off a good quality wire and coil!
Man, I haven't built a coil in so many years since I started using the Dead Rabbit R Tank. I should really be getting into it again.
How is that R tank? I always liked the look of it!
How is that R tank? I always liked the look of it!

It's really easy to build and wick and the replacements are cheap. Flavor is about 8, but unfortunately it's bottom airflow, so it leaks sometimes, but I love this tank. Been using it for more than 3 years now i think. Very convenient tank to have. If I do change again, it'll be wicked and ready to back me up always.
@DuaneV and @Old_Goat may I ask where you guys are buying wire from?

Honestly I struggle to find any spools of wire anymore. Vape shops will sell only one gauge and never thinner ones like 40AWG. Seems like prebuilt coils is all anyone stocks anymore.

Any advice on where to find good clean wire would be HUGELY appreciated!
Gasphase. Hit up Angilo on Instagram (gasphase) and he will reply. Stocks spools of NI80 from 24g up to 40g. If he doesn't respond pop me a message and I'll give you his cellphone number.