Cotinine/Nicotine test

Thanks @BigGuy

Strength to you on this! Any pressure on them in this regard can only help us all.

Many thanks for your feedback.
Yup, I have also been demoted to a smoker again! Here's what I wrote, and waiting to get a reply:
I must say that I’m rather disappointed that Liberty see me as a smoker even though I have not had a cigarette or any tobacco product since the beginning of May last year. Inhaling steam is far from the definition of smoking, the only element in common between the two is nicotine – unless you vape without nicotine.

For this reason I asked you to find the way that my smoking status was defined when I signed the contract initially. I understood it to be the lighting up, and inhalation of burning tobacco products such as cigarettes, cigars, cigarellos and pipes. The question really is, how would the reasonable person understand the term “smoker” as it was meant in the original contract some 15 years ago.

1) If Liberty have changed their definition since then, then surely they should have advised their clients accordingly.
2) How trustworthy is the wording in these contracts if insurers claim the right to (after the fact) change the common understanding/meaning of words without informing clients?
Just recently signed up with Liberty. Even though I stated "smoker" (don't want claims denied cause of lying or whatever), they did not load my premiums at all.
Using 1.8mg nic and apparently not picked up in the blood tests (or something like that).