Cyber Monday

I'm so ready for this! I predict an online "traffic jam" at 00:01 haha :D
@Richio I see the limit is 2 per customer. I need 3 x TFA Vanilla Custard though. I don't mind paying full price for the 3rd one.

Please advise. I don't want my order voided!
Is that two per customer per flavor, or two per customer in total?
hi @Richio can one load cart today and will discount be applied tomorrow
if yes then atleast i can just checkout while driving.

You're not even going to look for the R5 specials? I am going to be all over those. Heck, I will even buy TFA Chicken and Waffles for five bucks. If I don't like it, I can always PIF it to NotCharlesManson.
I feel about this like I feel about petrol hikes. I refuse to queue up to save R40 on a tank :D I used to by from Valleyvapour only, so every purchase from @Richio is a cyber Monday purchase :-D