Dirty Lol's Thread

I actually had the pleasure of meeting and spending some time with Chuck Norris a while ago. I went on one of those "cowboy experience" trips down in Texas and California where you take a herd of cows through Death Valley. A two week adventure type holiday.

Around night seven we were sitting around the camp fire having a discussion, or argument rather, trying to determine whom of us was the best and most genuine cowboy of the lot. One dude claimed the honours for he managed to stop a stampede man alone by charging ahead of the stampeding cows and blocking their path. I was not going to let him get away with that sissy stuff and claimed that my act of biting the head of a rattle snake i found in my bedding the previous morning way outclassed his feeble act. Then the next guy piped up with something and then the next, each claim being more exaggerated than the next

But through all of this arguing o'll Chuck did not say a single word. He just sat there quietly raking the coles of the fire back and forth with his penis. That settled the argument once and for all.

I actually had the pleasure of meeting and spending some time with Chuck Norris a while ago. I went on one of those "cowboy experience" trips down in Texas and California where you take a herd of cows through Death Valley. A two week adventure type holiday.

Around night seven we were sitting around the camp fire having a discussion, or argument rather, trying to determine whom of us was the best and most genuine cowboy of the lot. One dude claimed the honours for he managed to stop a stampede man alone by charging ahead of the stampeding cows and blocking their path. I was not going to let him get away with that sissy stuff and claimed that my act of biting the head of a rattle snake i found in my bedding the previous morning way outclassed his feeble act. Then the next guy piped up with something and then the next, each claim being more exaggerated than the next

But through all of this arguing o'll Chuck did not say a single word. He just sat there quietly raking the coles of the fire back and forth with his penis. That settled the argument once and for all.

Brokeback mountain ?
Why is there no emoji for "F#cking hilarious!"?