DIY Ejuice - Clone Megathread

Lol cloning local is wrong but international is fine? I also figured DDD is a tweaked bronuts recipe. Which is an international recipe btw

Is this just your opinion or the stance taken by the staff team?
@ET you do realise that locals aren't charging exorbitant prices for their juices not to mention that vendors on this forum are paying for that privilege? Seems pretty odd for someone to have their work and business undermined on a platform they're paying to use?

And I thought @SamuraiTheVapor would post the most upsetting in this thread. What a surprise, especially from a "staff member".
Guys I want the vape community is SA to boom I really do and Mike I love your juice line.

But the dead honest truth here is that if someone posts a clone of one of your juices I am more than likely going to try it.

Not everybody DIY's juice, so I don't see people posting clone recipes as killing your juice line at all, and like ET mentioned if we can clone international juices then why not local ? This is the industry and the way it works.

Once again not trying to make enemies just my honest opinion..
I think the cloning of popular and successful juices is a fact of life. No matter where the original juice was born. Vendors on forums all over the world see attempts at cloning their juices on those same forums. Surprisingly that usually leads to more sales for the authentic. Like I now have the overwhelming urge to try the real Debbie! If it was not for the possibly ulterior motive of the poster, which, if true, is unconscionable, but should not cloud one's objectivity.
If DDD is indeed a clone of an international juice, I don't think its ethical selling it as a local brand.

Profiting off a clone to unsuspecting customers, even I could start cooking up clones and selling them off as my own.

Most of the quality international juices put in a lot of time and money in R&D and I guess that would be the reason for the high price tag, however if a local juice maker is using clone recipes and still charging R130+ on a 30ml, considering it costs around R1 per ml to produce, that's quite a high profit margin.

So if in fact a producer is making clones and selling them off, why not charge a lot less, heck I wouldn't mind buying a juice I knew was a good clone and pay maybe R60 - R90 for 30ml, there's still a profit to be had without charging 4 times the cost and would save me the hassle of making it myself.

Since I've begun DIY and producing some stuff that are quite close, I had a feeling that certain vendors could be cloning.

Not saying DDD is a clone, just my opinion on the matter in general.
Andre that DDD tastes amazing. Freakin amazing. Just like a chocolate glazed donut. Well worth the purchase
If DDD is indeed a clone of an international juice, I don't think its ethical selling it as a local brand.

Profiting off a clone to unsuspecting customers, even I could start cooking up clones and selling them off as my own.

Most of the quality international juices put in a lot of time and money in R&D and I guess that would be the reason for the high price tag, however if a local juice maker is using clone recipes and still charging R130+ on a 30ml, considering it costs around R1 per ml to produce, that's quite a high profit margin.

So if in fact a producer is making clones and selling them off, why not charge a lot less, heck I wouldn't mind buying a juice I knew was a good clone and pay maybe R60 - R90 for 30ml, there's still a profit to be had without charging 4 times the cost and would save me the hassle of making it myself.

Since I've begun DIY and producing some stuff that are quite close, I had a feeling that certain vendors could be cloning.

Not saying DDD is a clone, just my opinion on the matter in general.

Stated clearl on my website and on the bottle. DDD is an official collab with DIYORDIE. I guess I'll keep on saying that until someone actually reads it.
Stated clearl on my website and on the bottle. DDD is an official collab with DIYORDIE. I guess I'll keep on saying that until someone actually reads it.

No worries mate, I'm sure you are forthright, I was just generalizing, there are however possibly a number of vendors using the cloning business model.
This has turned into 1 sensitive thread. I totally understand @method1 and @Mike 's take on things and very much disagree with @SamuraiTheVapors way of things. This is just my opinion of juice, international or local, being the way things are and there being so many juices out there on the market today and more being released everyday, I feel that in developing a juice which many see as unique and new, the possibility of it actually being extremely close or like an existing juice is becoming more a reality. DDD was very possibly developed independently unbeknown to @method1 and I very much trust @method1 in this, but others who have tasted other juices the same are convinced that it is a clone. I DIY juices and if I accidently concocted a clone of DDD, the last thing I would do is announce it.
If DDD is indeed a clone of an international juice, I don't think its ethical selling it as a local brand.

Profiting off a clone to unsuspecting customers, even I could start cooking up clones and selling them off as my own.

Most of the quality international juices put in a lot of time and money in R&D and I guess that would be the reason for the high price tag, however if a local juice maker is using clone recipes and still charging R130+ on a 30ml, considering it costs around R1 per ml to produce, that's quite a high profit margin.

So if in fact a producer is making clones and selling them off, why not charge a lot less, heck I wouldn't mind buying a juice I knew was a good clone and pay maybe R60 - R90 for 30ml, there's still a profit to be had without charging 4 times the cost and would save me the hassle of making it myself.

Since I've begun DIY and producing some stuff that are quite close, I had a feeling that certain vendors could be cloning.

Not saying DDD is a clone, just my opinion on the matter in general.
I see nothing unethical about selling clones of a juice or tweaked clones of a juice. It is done all the time. Supermarket shelves are full of goodies that are versions of an original - sometimes intentional, sometimes not. As long as you do not infringe on the legal rights of the original creator.

Most DIY vapers start off with clone recipes. Some of these DIY peeps become vendors. Some survive, some do not. Market forces dictate in the end, also as to price.
Ok I'll say this one last time because it seems people aren't getting it.

DDD is an official collab with DIYORDIE.

License fees were paid to Wayne.

This is not a clone, if anything it's closer to the real thing than anything else available.
Ok I'll say this one last time because it seems people aren't getting it.

DDD is an official collab with DIYORDIE.

License fees were paid to Wayne.

This is not a clone, if anything it's closer to the real thing than anything else available.

Don't worry, I got it the first time. I recall posting the first DIYORDIE vid on here a few months back. :)
Given Wayne's huge contribution to the industry there's NO WAY I would sell a clone of anything of his as my own.

Hence being all official and so forth.
I see nothing unethical about selling clones of a juice or tweaked clones of a juice. It is done all the time. Supermarket shelves are full of goodies that are versions of an original - sometimes intentional, sometimes not. As long as you do not infringe on the legal rights of the original creator.

Most DIY vapers start off with clone recipes. Some of these DIY peeps become vendors. Some survive, some do not. Market forces dictate in the end, also as to price.

Cloning to make a profit is in fact an infringement, If I clone for my personal use in my home, I don't see a problem with that, but as soon as I start manufacturing in bulk and selling for a profit, it becomes a problem and takes away from the hard work someone else put in to make the original.

If I used the same components and software and create an iphone copy but name it Rory's Mobile, apple would sue me nine ways to Sunday.
Ok I'll say this one last time because it seems people aren't getting it.

DDD is an official collab with DIYORDIE.

License fees were paid to Wayne.

This is not a clone, if anything it's closer to the real thing than anything else available.
Also got it first time! Of course the forum management will send you an invoice for all the free publicity in this thread:p.
For me the biggest irony is being placed under scrutiny as a cloner when I have stated FROM THE BEGINNING that DDD is in partnership with DIYORDIE.

Meanwhile we have scamurai ripping vendors off left right and center and no one says a word. So I'm pretty much done with this now.
Cloning to make a profit is in fact an infringement, If I clone for my personal use in my home, I don't see a problem with that, but as soon as I start manufacturing in bulk and selling for a profit, it becomes a problem and takes away from the hard work someone else put in to make the original.

If I used the same components and software and create an iphone copy but name it Rory's Mobile, apple would sue me nine ways to Sunday.
Recipes in general are not copyrightable. You certainly cannot compare it to cell phones.