DIY Ejuice - Clone Megathread

Yeah, I honestly cannot tell you how bad I felt making this clone. :/ I really do not want to take business away from anyone, but at the same time, I also really want to help people (and myself) save money.

I know I'm gonna get flak for posting this one...

I can imagine.

Wouldn't really know what to do myself.

But ya, I also like sharing, because I know all too well what its like making a rubbish juice. So I am ever grateful for recipes that work, and I will gladly share.
Yeah, I honestly cannot tell you how bad I felt making this clone. :/ I really do not want to take business away from anyone, but at the same time, I also really want to help people (and myself) save money.

I know I'm gonna get flak for posting this one...
Don't feel bad man, chances of making an exact clone are very slim. You're not making the juice to resell, it's for your own use. Also the number of people doing DIY is pretty negligible, I doubt you're going to affect their business. Most people don't have the time or inclination to mix their own juices. Also the more people we can get into DIY the more businesses will be inclined to start importing a wider range of concentrates for us.
Don't feel bad man, chances of making an exact clone are very slim. You're not making the juice to resell, it's for your own use. Also the number of people doing DIY is pretty negligible, I doubt you're going to affect their business. Most people don't have the time or inclination to mix their own juices. Also the more people we can get into DIY the more businesses will be inclined to start importing a wider range of concentrates for us.

So true actually.
Don't feel bad man, chances of making an exact clone are very slim. You're not making the juice to resell, it's for your own use. Also the number of people doing DIY is pretty negligible, I doubt you're going to affect their business. Most people don't have the time or inclination to mix their own juices. Also the more people we can get into DIY the more businesses will be inclined to start importing a wider range of concentrates for us.

Oh Yeah, I get what you're saying, don't get me wrong...but I can just imagine what it must be like to be a struggling local juice vendor who finally has a good line of juices up for sale, and then someone comes along and makes something that is 90% of the way there (or close enough that an average Joe won't pick up the difference) and cuts them down at the ankles. I know I'm arguing against myself here, but I guess it's just a tough one for me...
Oh Yeah, I get what you're saying, don't get me wrong...but I can just imagine what it must be like to be a struggling local juice vendor who finally has a good line of juices up for sale, and then someone comes along and makes something that is 90% of the way there (or close enough that an average Joe won't pick up the difference) and cuts them down at the ankles. I know I'm arguing against myself here, but I guess it's just a tough one for me...
I get what you're saying man, but for the huge majority of people it just won't be worth it. If you consider the startup costs of DIY equipment, flavours, nic, learning how and the time spent making and then steeping the ejuice, versus just buying relatively low cost juice off the shelf. Additionally few people are doing purely DIY juices, most are doing it as a side hobby to try and save some cash while still buying local juices anyway.
Anyway, that's enough philosophical thinking for me today, time to vape some more GVC clone :D

Lol... much easier for the mind - to wrestle with the morality of cloning a juice that sells for 22 freekin Dollars.

How bad do those juice makers feel for me, charging me that much. Taking would be 'toy money' from my kids to feed my habit :D
I get what you're saying man, but for the huge majority of people it just won't be worth it. If you consider the startup costs of DIY equipment, flavours, nic, learning how and the time spent making and then steeping the ejuice, versus just buying relatively low cost juice off the shelf. Additionally few people are doing purely DIY juices, most are doing it as a side hobby to try and save some cash while still buying local juices anyway.

Lol I thought I'd be making Five Pawns quality stuff in a week into it, because "I've got a good understanding of flavour."

Pffft... its a freekin appealing hobby, but certainly not an easy one.
Lol... much easier for the mind - to wrestle with the morality of cloning a juice that sells for 22 freekin Dollars.

How bad do those juice makers feel for me, charging me that much. Taking would be 'toy money' from my kids to feed my habit :D
Haha yeah exactly. Also the fun part of DIY for me is tweaking the recipe to my taste and coming up with my own creation. They're really more of a guideline or starting point for people who are looking for a particular type of juice. Like for example if I want to make a creamy strawberry vape, I'll pick one of the mother's milk clones and start playing around with it.
Lol I thought I'd be making Five Pawns quality stuff in a week into it, because "I've got a good understanding of flavour."

Pffft... its a freekin appealing hobby, but certainly not an easy one.
Haha yeah I think we'd all like to believe we're undiscovered master chefs :-D
Lol... much easier for the mind - to wrestle with the morality of cloning a juice that sells for 22 freekin Dollars.

How bad do those juice makers feel for me, charging me that much. Taking would be 'toy money' from my kids to feed my habit :D
Lol, when it comes to International juices, my heart bleeds lumpy custard... I fully agree that paying +- R300 for a bottle of liquid is daylight robbery imo. I'll clone those b@stards till the cows come home and I get tennis elbow from shaking all those bottles :D
Lol, when it comes to International juices, my heart bleeds lumpy custard... I fully agree that paying +- R300 for a bottle of liquid is daylight robbery imo. I'll clone those b@stards till the cows come home and I get tennis elbow from shaking all those bottles :D

It is. I do buy still premium juice, but I honestly believe they're taking the piss.

They don't employ 1000's of people, no or little transportation costs, they have virtually no marketing fees (besides sending YouTube some review samples)... so their profit margins must be huge. The manufacturers I mean, not retailers.
Haha yeah I think we'd all like to believe we're undiscovered master chefs :-D

Yeah, I also had the Heston Blumenthal complex... My dad is a chef and I've grown up in a kitchen, so I have a fairly good understanding of flavours and how to combine them, but this is just another league all together. With cooking, you get the maillard reaction which is an essential part of creating a flavour, but with e liquids, this reaction is impossible. This means you have to mix a whole bunch of "finished products" together to get a good flavour. I think if somehow we could get raw flavours and then "cook" them together to introduce this chemical reaction to our e liquids, we'd be hitting a different league of flavours.
Lol I actually had Dragons Blood steeping in the boot (since 22/4)


Dragonfruit - 10%

Strawberry - 4% (I used Strawberry Ripe at 4%)

Bavarian Cream - 2%

Sweet Cream - 1%

Vanilla Swirl - 3%

Ethyl Maltol - 1%

All flavors from TFA.

Its nice!
I will definitely be making more. The strawberry adds to the dragonfruit. The cream bits make it smooth. Very nice. Thumbs up from me. Tastes like something you'd have to buy :)
Lol I actually had Dragons Blood steeping in the boot (since 22/4)


Dragonfruit - 10%

Strawberry - 4% (I used Strawberry Ripe at 4%)

Bavarian Cream - 2%

Sweet Cream - 1%

Vanilla Swirl - 3%

Ethyl Maltol - 1%

All flavors from TFA.

Its nice!
I will definitely be making more. The strawberry adds to the dragonfruit. The cream bits make it smooth. Very nice. Thumbs up from me. Tastes like something you'd have to buy :)

Nice good to know, I'm going to drop the dragon fruit a bit and put some sweet raspberry and berry crunch in and see what that does.
This thread is full of awesomeness!

A DIY'ers bible in the making
Lol I actually had Dragons Blood steeping in the boot (since 22/4)


Dragonfruit - 10%

Strawberry - 4% (I used Strawberry Ripe at 4%)

Bavarian Cream - 2%

Sweet Cream - 1%

Vanilla Swirl - 3%

Ethyl Maltol - 1%

All flavors from TFA.

Its nice!
I will definitely be making more. The strawberry adds to the dragonfruit. The cream bits make it smooth. Very nice. Thumbs up from me. Tastes like something you'd have to buy :)

A little off topic, but I could imagine Koolada going with this very well!
Yeah, I also had the Heston Blumenthal complex... My dad is a chef and I've grown up in a kitchen, so I have a fairly good understanding of flavours and how to combine them, but this is just another league all together. With cooking, you get the maillard reaction which is an essential part of creating a flavour, but with e liquids, this reaction is impossible. This means you have to mix a whole bunch of "finished products" together to get a good flavour. I think if somehow we could get raw flavours and then "cook" them together to introduce this chemical reaction to our e liquids, we'd be hitting a different league of flavours.
Exactly the same problem. I was under the misconception that it would follow the same principles as cooking but I reckon that it's a false analogy. The process is that of wine making or distilling. Both require time and the process of a completed product (grape juice etc.) transforming into something else over time.

I must admit that since I started this I have a new found respect for Fra Angelico (supposed creator of Frangellico), the Benedictines and all the other monks that brewed. It takes a great deal of self-control not to immediately silver out on every new mix, even if they are awful.
Does anyone have a recipe for beard #64 or a cotton candy kinda recipe?
@Gambit aha... you want Yellow cake so much for Cakestone :)

Cakestone V2

  • 30% Flavorwest Yellow Cake
  • 30% TFA Vanilla Cupcake
  • 10% TFA Bavarian Cream
  • 15% TFA Marshmallow
  • 15% TFA Cotton candy