DIY Ejuice - Clone Megathread

no unfortunately, but I would be keen if someone wanted to organise a group buy. I'm also really keen to get some Lorann banana cream.

TBH, I haven't even looked at Lorann and FlavorWest properly yet, as I know we don't get these locally. I wouldn't even know what their signature flavours are. I would however be interested in a group buy. ;)

On another note, has anyone ever figure out who supplies Vapour Mountain? I'd really like to know so when I read international juice recipes, I know if I have any of those flavours in my pantry, and not just hazard a guess like I am at the moment.
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200mls of a flavour :)
TBH, I haven't even looked at Lorann and FlavorWest properly yet, as I know we don't get these locally. I wouldn't even know what their signature flavours are. I would however be interested in a group buy. ;)

On another note, has anyone ever figure out who supplies Vapour Mountain? I'd really like to know so when I read international juice recipes, I know if I have any of those flavours in my pantry, and not just hazard a guess like I am at the moment.
If we did a group buy, I think these guys would be the best bet, they do international shipping and have a huge range of flavours.
@Gambit, I think that needs to happen.
They do Flavor Art, Flavor West, Lorann, Capella, Inawera and Signature, which I'm sure I read somewhere is TFA. So that's pretty much all the major flavour houses. I would organize, but I'm terrible at admin :--P
I'd be glad to organise :)
Can I also be part of the group buy for FA please?
Really need fresh cream for this Looper clone.
I've attempted it but substituted the FA Fresh Cream with TFA Malted Milk. Made 240mls of the stuff. 200Mls are steeping, consuming the 40ml's now and it's not bad at all, but definitely missing something.
Heres the recipe I used, except for the FA Fresh Cream

TFA Fruit Circles 7%
FA Fresh Cream 3%
TFA Berry Crunch 2.5%
TFA Bavarian Cream 2%
TFA Marshmallow 2%
TFA Sweet Cream 1.5%
Total Flavorant 18%
Can I also be part of the group buy for FA please?
Really need fresh cream for this Looper clone.
I've attempted it but substituted the FA Fresh Cream with TFA Malted Milk. Made 240mls of the stuff. 200Mls are steeping, consuming the 40ml's now and it's not bad at all, but definitely missing something.
Heres the recipe I used, except for the FA Fresh Cream

TFA Fruit Circles 7%
FA Fresh Cream 3%
TFA Berry Crunch 2.5%
TFA Bavarian Cream 2%
TFA Marshmallow 2%
TFA Sweet Cream 1.5%
Total Flavorant 18%

Maybe TFA whipped Cream instead of Fresh Cream?
It's still a milk-based cream.

Sweet Cream wont work, because that's 'fake butter' sort of tasting.

I'm actually also after some sort of milk-based cream too.
Yeah I was kinda between whipped cream & malted milk, will try the whipped cream next.
Let us know if you come right.

Even if it doesn't come out similar to Looper, that does sound nice!
I haven't tasted Looper, but this does taste like Fruit Loops, albeit a tad lemony. It's lacking that milky background & cereal notes, though. Thinking of adding some Rice Crunchies.
Perhaps it needs a long steep, will report back in a week or 2.

On another note, I am also trying to put together an Elvis' Breakfast clone.
If anyone is interested in a GB, please drop me a message with what you're looking for. I have enough bottles to facilitate splitting larger bottles etc as well. If there's enough interest, I'll post a thread etc.
Sorry, I was blind, apperently this is a Suckerpunch clone. Not so sure about that, but it is mighty nice

Dragonfruit 14%
Vanilla Swirl 4%
Bavarian Cream 2%

@Humbold with the looper clone try a small batch with the same % of tousted marshmallow.
@Humbolt rice crunchies works very nice and try adding 1% of citrus punch.will elevate the fruit circle flavors.
Awesome thread guys, and just to note, the (V3) Bombies Nana Cream is rated as a 1:1 clone.
Awesome thread guys, and just to note, the (V3) Bombies Nana Cream is rated as a 1:1 clone.
hmmm.... I'll need to try make this then ;) I've never had an inkling to try Nana's Cream, but I think I'll give it a go now :D
Awesome thread guys, and just to note, the (V3) Bombies Nana Cream is rated as a 1:1 clone.
Yes, a great thread indeed. Makes me want to try DIY again was it not for the 3 year supply of jooses in my cupboard.
Yes, a great thread indeed. Makes me want to try DIY again was it not for the 3 year supply of jooses in my cupboard.
Freaking hell! I struggle to keep a 3 day supply sometimes! 3 Years?!?!?! How many litres of juice is that?
by project_twenty5oh1
Hello all,

I've been working for the past several months solely on a polar bear clone. I've talked to many juicers, many diyers, and had many people test it, and I'm happy enough with it that I feel comfortable sharing the fruits of my labor. For those who don't DIY, TFA = The Flavor Apprentice (or the Perfumer's Apprentice) one of the main companies used by juice vendors.

6.0% TFA DK Base
5.0% TFA Banana Cream
3.0% TFA Banana Nut Bread
1.0% TFA Bananas Foster
3.0% TFA Peanut Butter
0.3% TFA Koolada
0.2% TFA Coconut Extra
0.3% TFA Smooth
1.0% Strong Mint/Menthol Concentrate

Take out the mint/menthol and you get Nanner. My suggestion is to use Axiom's Icicles (the concentrate of which is used as the mint/menthol in Polar Bear) - you could order 0mg from Axiom and use it as a flavor ingredient, reducing VG appropriate to even out the concentration; Icicles is 20% concentrate, so if you made a 100ml bottle you would need 5ml of Icicles juice to reach 1% concentration in the Polar bear.

Now, some notes on process. After discussions with some juicers, we came to the conclusion that a heated magnetic stirrer is the likely culprit for the "process" that Grizzly uses for their juice, and that it's not really completely ready right away after mixing (as I'm sure they'd like us to believe) but that you mix using this process, and then 3-4 days later it's reached shelf stability. The juice I made last Saturday is exactly the right color of Polar Bear now (bonus reusing polar bottle!), so I'm pretty sure i've got it right. This process works for any juice you mix, and makes trying a mix you're fiddling with much, much faster.

Basically, I cook the juice for 4-8 hours in a heated magnetic stirrer at a constant 75c. The stirrer has a temperature probe which will equalize the temp inside the flask with the temp of the hotplate, so there's no guesswork as to whether you've hit the right temp (such as using a water bath or heated ultrasonic). Here's some before and after shots of a 1500ml batch I made:

Ingredients initially mixed and the vortex stabilized, temp reached, begin cook time

Four hours later

The end result is a Nanner/Polar clone that has the following attributes:

1) It doesn't gunk up cotton or coils. Myself and others have found that you can go at least two weeks without changing cotton, and when you remove it there is no discoloration. What this says about nanner/polar may be that it has some ingredient that contains a sweetener, or sweetener is added, I don't really know.

2) This relates to 1; it's not as sweet as the real thing, which I've found I quite like, while retaining all the inherent flavor attributes that make it such a good juice.

3) It costs $1.20/30ml.

If you have any questions about using the stirrer or anything about the process please feel free to ask. My entire plan for this juice was to open source it, and I've been selling it for $10/100ml (up to 1L) plus shipping. Really just double the cost of materials, I'm just happy people have been enjoying affordable juice I made. I encourage you to try this recipe and see if you can figure out what is missing to make it a really true clone, or make your own improvements! Let me know what you come up with :)

Here is a link to the heated magnetic stirrer I've been using - you will need to buy stir bars and flasks separately, but they all can be found on amazon. This is also a nifty gadget for other things that require constant mixing and fixed temperature.

Here's what my fridge looks like after I cooked up 4L last weekend, 2L 6mg Polar and 2L 3mg Nanner:

Polar Bear was the first juice I found (after trying HUNDREDS) which I could vape and vape and vape and never get sick of. I bought easily 80+ bottles of it. I've vaped more than a liter of my own version in its current iteration, and I love it. I won't be going back to buying juice, ever.

TL;DR: Recipe is at the top. #kickbacks, #crucifixions, #Bigglesjuice, #wheredeyatdoe, #hashtag.

EDIT: This recipe works GREAT at 0mg!
Freaking hell! I struggle to keep a 3 day supply sometimes! 3 Years?!?!?! How many litres of juice is that?
Lol, try hard not to check, but you now forced me. Looks like about 5 litres. So around 2 years of supply. Damn, I am running low:D.