DIY Ejuice - Clone Megathread

Anyone can help me with this...

I bought a juice from craft vapour, melon on the rocks, which is a nice melon inhale and cool exhale, nicest freshest vape ever...

Im not looking to clone that, but want to know you guys can help me, what to add and how much to add to a berry or fruity blend to get that fresh cool exhale.....?

Koolada, about 4 to 6 drops per 10ml should do the trick ;)
Anyone can help me with this...

I bought a juice from craft vapour, melon on the rocks, which is a nice melon inhale and cool exhale, nicest freshest vape ever...

Im not looking to clone that, but want to know you guys can help me, what to add and how much to add to a berry or fruity blend to get that fresh cool exhale.....?


As I understand it (but I'm no expert on menthol/koolada usage) the cool exhale is achieved by adding koolada and not menthol (menthol is responsible for the cool-ish inhale and throat hit). Just be warned that koolada is very strong so it's best to start off with a small amount (say 1%).

Probably best to wait for the menthol experts to chime in though :)

Koolada, about 4 to 6 drops per 10ml should do the trick ;)

Edit: What he said :p
Hi @Coera

I am also a fan of Melon on the Rocks from Craft Vapour

I do agree that it is Koolada that makes it cool. And i also agree that you should use it very sparingly. Too much and it gives me an irritating sensation on my throat.

All the best
You're the third person to ask for this. Nobody seems to be coming forward with the goods, so I'm going to take a stab at it sometime. I'm thinking TFA Vanilla Bean Ice Cream to start with, maybe a dash of Cinnamon Sugar Cookie or Cinnamon Danish. A few drops of EM should add a dusting of powdered sugar.

I was thinking off the top of my head:

Vanilla Bean Ice Cream - Around 7 %
Brown Sugar - 4%
Bavarian Cream - 2%
Graham Cracker - 1%
Sweet Cream - 1%
Vanilla Custard - 0.5 to 1%
I was thinking off the top of my head:

Vanilla Bean Ice Cream - Around 7 %
Brown Sugar - 4%
Bavarian Cream - 2%
Graham Cracker - 1%
Sweet Cream - 1%
Vanilla Custard - 0.5 to 1%
Awesome, will try this. But, I have no Brown Sugar.... let me see what I can chuck together
Awesome, will try this. But, I have no Brown Sugar.... let me see what I can chuck together

Ummm... This is by no means a clone recipe.... this is just something I was thinking could be something similar to the Deep Fried Ice Cream. You have a vanilla Ice Cream, with a nice sweet toasty cracker flavour, and a slight bit of extra cream and custard for fullness of flavour in the mouth. If it's not a clone, it should make a delicious vape ;)
Ummm... This is by no means a clone recipe.... this is just something I was thinking could be something similar to the Deep Fried Ice Cream. You have a vanilla Ice Cream, with a nice sweet toasty cracker flavour, and a slight bit of extra cream and custard for fullness of flavour in the mouth. If it's not a clone, it should make a delicious vape ;)
I figured that, nothing in your recipe screams "deep fried", but it does sound good :)
What's the shelflife of TFA flavors or how many flavour do you guys keep on hand
I figured that, nothing in your recipe screams "deep fried", but it does sound good :)
Lol, if you want that "Deep Fried" effect, take the bottle and place it near a fryer for a day or 2 :p

Seriously though, the whole "deep fried" flavour is a mystery. This is something I touched on a while ago in another thread (or possibly this one) where in DIY, there is no maillard effect, which is what would give the batter, for the deep fried Ice Cream, it's caramelised flavour in the original dish. I don't know how they included a flavour like this in the original "Indian Giver", but I'd imagine it's a home made flavour this guy has cooked up on his own, otherwise every juice maker would have started making their own "Deep Fried Ice Cream" flavours ages ago.
Lol, if you want that "Deep Fried" effect, take the bottle and place it near a fryer for a day or 2 :p

Seriously though, the whole "deep fried" flavour is a mystery. This is something I touched on a while ago in another thread (or possibly this one) where in DIY, there is no maillard effect, which is what would give the batter, for the deep fried Ice Cream, it's caramelised flavour in the original dish. I don't know how they included a flavour like this in the original "Indian Giver", but I'd imagine it's a home made flavour this guy has cooked up on his own, otherwise every juice maker would have started making their own "Deep Fried Ice Cream" flavours ages ago.
Hmmm, the ideas are flowing... I wonder if leaving a KFC drumstick in some PG overnight would do the trick...

So if you're looking for a Derailed-a-like

Credit where its due - when I bought the ingredients, I asked Melinda what percentages I should go at for a 'banana cinnamon cookie'. And I basically followed her recommendations :)

This is remarkable close:


Banana Ripe 1% (I will probably bump that up a few drops next time)
Graham Cracker 3%
Cinnamon Danish 4%
Cinnamon Sugar Cookie 10%
French Vanilla 2%
Smooth 2 drops per 10ml

It is very reminicent of Derailed. Lets just say, if I gave it to someone to vape and asked what this is like - Derailed would almost surely be what they would say.

I reckon Derailed is a little more "luxurious" tasting, probably because its lightly finished with some sort of creams.

However, mine has only steeped for 10 days, so....
Just mixed up some of this and it smells divine. Currently giving it a hot water bath, then will let it steep for a few days or so before doing a taste test...if my patience holds out.
Just mixed up some of this and it smells divine. Currently giving it a hot water bath, then will let it steep for a few days or so before doing a taste test...if my patience holds out.
Even me! I've been vaping on @r0gue z0mbie's mix most of the day, I've never tried the original so can't give feedback on the clone part of this but I must say they its a damned fine mix. Thanks for this RZ ;)
You are not doing my patience any good :mad:
They say that patience is a virtue, it's not, it's a skill. One that I haven't quite mastered :D

I have however learned to bend it to my will. Take the cap and dripper/nozzletjie off your bottle and nuke it (the bottle of juice, not your nozzletjie) it the microwave for 7 seconds. No more or it will boil and explode (I think). I mixed my sample, waited 2 days then nuked it once. Tastes pretty good to me, just do it ;)
@BumbleBee you are a bad I'll try that in 2 days time & report back. I am sure I'll have a taste before that, though. The force within me is weak...
I also tried my hand at a cinnabon mix and it also smells lovely. But the proof is in the tasting so I'll post it up once I've tasted it.
@BumbleBee you are a bad I'll try that in 2 days time & report back. I am sure I'll have a taste before that, though. The force within me is weak...
I also tried my hand at a cinnabon mix and it also smells lovely. But the proof is in the tasting so I'll post it up once I've tasted it.
Hats off to you bud, your will is stronger than mine :rolleyes:
They say that patience is a virtue, it's not, it's a skill. One that I haven't quite mastered :D

I have however learned to bend it to my will. Take the cap and dripper/nozzletjie off your bottle and nuke it (the bottle of juice, not your nozzletjie) it the microwave for 7 seconds. No more or it will boil and explode (I think). I mixed my sample, waited 2 days then nuked it once. Tastes pretty good to me, just do it ;)

Dependent on microwave strength so just exercise caution. My process is 7s in the microwave, 1 cycle in the USC then I add my nic then another cycle in the mixer. Haven't found a better way yet!
Dependent on microwave strength so just exercise caution. My process is 7s in the microwave, 1 cycle in the USC then I add my nic then another cycle in the mixer. Haven't found a better way yet!
My microwave is 1000w, 7 seconds warms it up pretty well, doesn't get hot. I've been tempted to try 8 seconds but don't want to try my luck. During the day my bottles live in a cardboard box on a windowsill where they get about 5 hours of direct sunlight a day. The box it closed so no light gets to the bottles, it doesn't get hot in there, just nice and warm. I still need to try the slow cooker but I don't have enough glass bottles, don't want to risk plastic ones in there.

Btw, that bottom drawer of most electric ovens gets to 70 degrees, plastic bottles are no match for 70 degrees.
My microwave is 1000w, 7 seconds warms it up pretty well, doesn't get hot. I've been tempted to try 8 seconds but don't want to try my luck. During the day my bottles live in a cardboard box on a windowsill where they get about 5 hours of direct sunlight a day. The box it closed so no light gets to the bottles, it doesn't get hot in there, just nice and warm. I still need to try the slow cooker but I don't have enough glass bottles, don't want to risk plastic ones in there.

Btw, that bottom drawer of most electric ovens gets to 70 degrees, plastic bottles are no match for 70 degrees.

Have you compared sunlight vs no sunlight? I'm surprised though, UV light generally causes nicotine to oxidise. Perhaps test it out and compare? In fact, perhaps even test it out the way I do it - heat it up before adding the nicotine, then let it rest in a dark place (I'm not too fussed about storage temp tbh) and see if you notice any change?
Have you compared sunlight vs no sunlight? I'm surprised though, UV light generally causes nicotine to oxidise. Perhaps test it out and compare? In fact, perhaps even test it out the way I do it - heat it up before adding the nicotine, then let it rest in a dark place (I'm not too fussed about storage temp tbh) and see if you notice any change?
Yeah, that whole "store in a cool dark place" never made sense to me. A warm dark place seems like a better idea, UV light is a no-no, this includes fluorescent/CFL lighting. Gentle heating works well. I'm keen to try heating the mix up before adding nic base. I usually start my mixes by adding the nic base, pg and vg, all warmed up under warm tap water, then I add flavouring and shake the kak out of it.
I'm just here to say this is an epic thread. To all the contributors, you guys rock, you make me want to start mixing my own heavenly joose :rock:

Thank you, that is all :hi:
I'm really curious about this now. I don't think there's a drastic amount of UV coming off of CFLs though? Irrespective, I don't think I use enough nic to notice in my own mixes..
I'm just here to say this is an epic thread. To all the contributors, you guys rock, you make me want to start mixing my own heavenly joose :rock:

Thank you, that is all :hi:
Jump in anytime bud, its awesome :D