ESG Skyline Group Buy

Guys just an update after chatting to ESG tonight... Ceteris Paribus (Latin for all things being equal) it appears that our group buy should ship late next week. This is not a promise but an educated guess.

PicoSkyline 002.JPG
Thanks @Rob Fisher for the update
This is going to be exciting
لأشياء الجيدة تأتي لأولئك الذين ينتظرون ... الأشياء الأفضل بالنسبة لأولئك الذين يخرجون والاستيلاء عليها

loosely translated as, "Good things come to those who wait... Better things are for those who go out and grab it!"
Hi guys... what's the latest?

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This thread is on page 17 ...... wow.:shakehead:
Precisely the reason why I would never consider organising a group buy.
Hats off to you @Rob Fisher and @Takie for undertaking this tedious and hopefully grateful task. :)
A group buy will always have unexpected turns etc. The group buy stared as a group buy and turned into a pre-order.
I am very grateful to @Rob Fisher and @Takie for organising this

The delay has suited me just fine because it has allowed me to get more familiar with the Kayfun 5 in preparation for a nice tank showdown when the Skyline gets here ;-)
I am very grateful to @Rob Fisher and @Takie for organising this

The delay has suited me just fine because it has allowed me to get more familiar with the Kayfun 5 in preparation for a nice tank showdown when the Skyline gets here ;-)
Hopefully it won't take as long to get the skyline operational.
Dont you have an OL16 that needs testing?
Hopefully it won't take as long to get the skyline operational.
Dont you have an OL16 that needs testing?

Hope it wont @Christos - but i think it will go quicker because Im on a roll ;-)

No, the OL16 is operational and I have already done two or three coils on it.
It just needs further experimentation - especially with SS wire. Need to try that again with the new Kidney Puncher SS wire I got recently
Not sure how relevant this is but on ESG facebook group they announced they were finalising orders. All parts were in and busy with final packing and sorting.
Hey peeps! Sorry for not replying! Life has been crazy!

With that said I thought I would give you an update, words mean very little but a picture can mean a thousand words... ENJOY!

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All people requesting to have their Skylines delayed are now noted :) retractions will not be allowed :p

Delayed? You mean it gets worse than this?

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News from ESG - "Release of Skyline second batch will start tuesday 25 April".
Yay my dad's brirthday. PS... I ordered the skyline when he was 64